Confuzzled waffles

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"How was it?? Tell me everything!" Peter yelled excitedly the second his dads walked through the door.
"Fucking amazing!" Bucky went into a whole breakdown of everything that had happened that week and Peter was listening to every single word.
"So you didn't burn the house down?"
"The house? No, but the lab? Maybe."
"Oh god..."

Tony was already sprinting down there, not realising when Peter said it was just a joke, which made Bucky let out a sigh of relief.

"You're gonna be the death of me, kid." Tony walked back over to them after he made sure the lab was still in tact.
Tony laughed and looked at Bucky, "What did you teach him?"
"Just a bunch of languages and how to piss you off." Peter replied casually.

For some reason, Bucky did the Chinese splits.
Peter gave him a round of applause while Tony stood at the side just looking a bit confused.
"I'm not even gonna ask-"
"Probably a good idea, yeah."

"WOULD ANYONE LIKE SOME TEA?" Bucky asked when he got up.
"Can I get a waffle?"
Bucky laughed, "Can I please get a waffle- yeah sure."
"OhmygoshyouknowVINES!" Peter gasped in excitement.
"Yeah, I know a few vines."
(A few)
(A few)
"This is the best thing since sliced bread!"
"Plums. Best thing since plums."
"Fair enough."

Bucky started to actually make the waffles, with Tony still being confused in the background.

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