My ability to sleep

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At 7 am one morning, Bucky walks down to find Tony sipping his sixth cup of coffee with awful eyebags.

"Are you okay?"
"Em great."
"Okay, that's a lie."
"No. I'm dead. Honestly, I stopped breathing years ago."

Bucky hugs him and he hugs back tightly.
"I need serious help." He chuckles.
"Yes, yes you do." Bucky agreed.

Tony laughs and they continue to hug.


Bucky was trying to get Tony to sleep. It had been like a week at this point since he last did. They were in the lab.

"I don't need to go to sleep. I'm fine."
"But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again."
"O-oh.. are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping habits?" He asks.
"Is it working?"
"Good." Bucky laughs.
"I never said that I would..."

Tony smiles and Bucky sighs, laughing a bit. Tony laughs too.

"Fuck it." Bucky says. He grabs Tony, heaves him over his shoulder and begins to carry him up the stairs.

"Are you going to put me down anytime soon?" Tony asks, "Thought as much." He added when he got no reply.

When upstairs, Bucky tries to force Tony to sleep.
"Tony you need sleep."
"Nooo!" He whines.
"Sleep is important."

Tony just makes some aggravated noises.
"Take it from someone who has nightmares every single night- I fucking miss sleep. Use your ability to sleep well."
"I'm sorry I can't give you my ability to sleep."
"That's not what I- I meant use your ability to sleep while you can because it might be taken away from you one day."

A few minutes pass without anything being said.
"Now sleep."
"No. If you can't then I won't."
"Tony, you need to sleep. Please?" Bucky says, crossing his arms.
"I will. I promise. But not yet." Tony says, hugging Bucky.
"Fine..." Bucky sighs. Tony smiles at him and he smiles a bit back.

Eventually, Tony does go to sleep like he said, his arms still wrapped around Bucky.

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