Another secret revealed

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(Again, LokiOfEarth I cannot thank you enough 😂)

Bucky was yelling at Tony yet again.
Tony ran out from their room, hair a mess and shirt inside-out. "SHIT I WAS ASLEEP!"
"Oh my god," Peter said in the background.
"TONY!!!" Bucky said, in a perfect impression of the PATRICIA!!!! Vine.
"I'M SORRY!!" Tony yelled, Bucky wrestling with him in an attempt to brush his hair and fix his shirt.
He soon gave up on the shirt, throwing a coat on Tony and dragging him out the door. "LET'S GO!"
"OKAY!!" Tony yelled back.
Peter, meanwhile, was grabbing a piece of toast for Tony because he doesn't eat enough as it is and don't you dare think this situation would get him out of eating. Because you'd be wrong.
"Thank you, Peter!" Bucky said, hopping onto his motorbike with the others and speeding off to school.


"Let's do this!" Bucky ran into the school with the other two.
"Yes!!" Peter laughed.
Bucky handed Peter an empty water bottle. "You want some?"
Peter smirked, "THIS BITCH EMPTY!" He threw it across the hallway, "YEET!!"
Bucky wiped a proud tear from his eye. "I'm so proud,"
Ned randomly came out of nowhere. "Peter yes,"
"Peter what the fuck?" said Tony, in utter confusion.
Bucky was wheezing.
"You won't understand," Peter said.
It was at that moment that Flash decided to appear.
"Ew, look, it's Patricia!"
"... that's not my name,"
"Yeah but it is though!"
"Fuck off, Flash!" snapped Ned.
Peter was blushing very hard right now.
"Hey Penis! Why don't you just tell them who you really are? Patricia."
Peter was trying really hard not to cry at this point, "Because they already know! Because I'm not Patricia! I'm Peter!" He was about to have a mental breakdown.
Bucky was very confused, but no one hurts his child like that. "Hey, can you back off?!"
"Mmmmmmm.... no,"
Peter just ran away.
"What the fuck just happened??!!" Tony asked, though it was more of a shout.
Ned, who knew what was happening, ran after Peter.
Bucky looked at Tony.
"Should we go after him!? We should go after him."
"Yeah, probably a good idea, but we don't know where he even went."
"True.. lets go try and find him, huh?"

They both ran off to find Peter. Bucky went into a bathroom when he heard sobbing. "Peter? Peter?!"
Mother Bucky has entered the chat. "Peter...? Peter..? That you..?"
Peter just kept crying.
"Peter..? Come on, kid... you can talk to me..." he sat down next to the stall, "what's wrong, huh?"
"U-uhm... w-well.. Flash um... I-I was b-born in a... g-girls b-body and Patricia was my d-dead name..."
Bucky was silent for a bit, then he replied, "Okay..."
There was more crying on Peter's part.
"It's okay..." Bucky said, in the softest, sweetest, most calming voice he could. "Do you want to go home, or do you want to stay at school for today? It's okay if you want to go home..."
"Can w-we go home...?"
"Yeah... we can go home if you want..."
"You're gonna have to come out of the stall though, okay?"
Peter did just that, and was immediately enveloped into a huge hug from Bucky. "Hey...... lets get you home..."
Peter nodded, and soon the three of them were driving back home.


When they were home, Bucky started making everyone tea. Because that calms people down, right? He handed Peter his tea, which he drank.
"So... um... Peter...."
"About... what Flash said.... listen, I want you to know that we accept you."
Bucky smiled reassuringly, and Peter looked down at his tea, trying not to start crying again.
"Hey, kid, it'll be alright..."
"I know...."
Bucky pulled Peter into another hug, which Peter leaned into.

He cried a bit, and Bucky, along with Tony, were there to give him hugs and reassurance through it all.

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