Chapter 11

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Seulgi was close to suffocating herself with her dookong that night. It was close to midnight, way pass her bedtime, but her sister's giggles and loud gasping is keeping her awake at the wee hours.


Seulgi didn't bother to knock or wait for an invitation. She storms in the kkuma addict's room, making sure her sister KNOWS she meant business. She caught her kid sister wrap like a big baby in a Rilakkuma blanket, giggling like an idiot in front of laptop.

"Jennie... turn off your laptop and go to sleep..."

"B-but... but... One-chan..."

Seulgi's eyes narrowed to slits. Her sister is watching too much anime, her brain is being reduced to a pulp and starting to talk like one of those moe moe Kyun girls...

"No buts! You have classes tomorrow... you can't skip it just cause you didn't get any sleep..."

"But it's getting good! The storyline reminds me so much of me and my Jisoooo..."

Jennie's eyes sparkle at the simple thought of her lovey... Unfortunately, her sister was too sleepy and annoyed to spaz along with her.

"NO! And that's final..."

Jennie was ready to retaliate, but she haven't even said a word and her unnie already slams the door on her.

At 2:46 A.M

Seulgi could still hear the giggles...

And she's putting an end to all this giggling...

She slowly turns the doorknob to Jennie's room, peeking in slowly and what do you know? Jennie was still in front of her laptop...


Jennie squealed loudly in shock after getting caught red handed. The smart girl that she is, hurriedly scramble underneath the sheets and put on the sleeping act show.

At 4:36 am...

Seulgi wakes up as she hears her sister just screaming...

"Kiss... kiss...kiss..."

The elder sister just raised her arms in surrender. Her sister would obviously do what she wants to do...


6:18 am

Seulgi does her routine check of her sister's room. She finally sighs in relief as she sees her sister curled up in bed, clutching tightly to her brown bear. Sometimes Seulgi forgets that no matter how ladylike Jennie looks, she's still a big baby.

She should really shake the other girl to get up, punish her for sleeping late. But she decided to let the girl sleep in a bit, making her more comfortable by tucking her under the covers...

Up close, she could hear her sister mumbling Jisoo's name happily...

Kim Jisoo... that girl is both in her sister's dreams and reality...

7: 54

"OMO! I'M LATE!!!!"


8: 00

"You should ask if they have yoga moves for faces, Chu..."

Jisoo just continued to shut the world around her that morning, including Chaeyoung who plops on the seat beside her.

"My frown is my facial exercise... Do you know that it takes more muscles to frown than smile?"

Chaeyoung just sighs in surrender. It was no use arguing with an already pissed off Jisoo.

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