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winnie's pov

"And you wanna be the boss by the time you're thirty five?"

"Yes." Zachary said without flinching. His determination always aroused something in me.

He said things like he knew they were going to happen. I wanted to do that.

"I like your hair," He gazed curiously at the buns on my head.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly and bit my bottom lip. His eyes fell to my lips but they moved back to my orbs.

He cleared his throat.

"Can I touch-"

"No." I stated firmly.

I hated it when people put their hands in my hair. Some peoples fingers even got stuck in my curls and it sometimes made me wish I had a looser curl pattern but in all honesty I wouldn't trade my curls for the world.

"Alright then." He shrugged and went back to his pasta.

I ran fingers across the table cloth and smiled at him and chuckled.

"It's funny how you say you hate doing the mafia work but you have so much passion for it."

His face scrunched up and he rolled his eyes.

"Can we forget that?" He sighed and punched the bridge of his nose.

"Forget that?!" I giggled. "You threatened to blow my brains out here thirty minutes ago."

"And I said I was sorry." He interjected

"I know. I'm just saying. For someone who says they'd leave in a second. It seems like you're really into it."

"Cause it's all I fucking have. And everything I've put my hands on grows."

"Midas touch?" I tilted my head and bit my lip as I tried to keep the nasty thoughts out of my head, he looked really good.

"Something like that." He shot back.

He looked stressed.

"You okay?" I questioned softly.

"It's a lot of pressure and to be honest, you're sitting here judging me. I'm not a bad guy, yes I do what I have to do for a reason. But it's a good one." He paused and stared at me.

"You don't know what it's like bella. I've done a lot of shit I'm not proud of. But I don't mind if it mean protecting my life and the things I care about. Like I said before, I'm under a lot of pressure and I know you don't mean to but you are adding to it."

He placed his head in his hands and massaged his temples.

zach's pov

"I'm sorry." She whispered, and she did something that shocked the life out of me. She placed her tiny hand on my arm.

I looked up into her gorgeous honey eyes and smiled.

"It's not a problem darling."

"Are you angry with me?" She frowned slightly.

"I couldn't be mad at you." I licked my lips and stared at hers.

"Did I forget to tell you how beautiful you look today?" I mumbled.

"Why, I thought I looked good everyday." She pouted playfully.

Dio, quella sua bocca.

"You do. But you look extremely gorgeous today, I like the way your legs look in that skirt." I teased boldly.

"Oh my God! Shut up!" She giggled, hiding her face in the sleeve of her turtle neck.

"What?! It's true." I winked at her.

After she finished laughing, a calming silence fell over our table. I admired her. I could spend the whole day just watching her.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Her nose crunched up and I couldn't help but smile at her facial expressions.

"For understanding." I explained.

"Well, it's a lot to wrap my head around. But your profession doesn't define you. You're a great guy, and you make me feel safe." She added the last part silently, running her fingers along the ugly tablecloth.

"Hey," I used my finger to raise her chin to look at me.

"Don't hide your face bella. A gorgeous girl like you shouldn't be doing that."

"Why do you call me bella?" She asked nervously.

"Cause you are breathtakingly beautiful." I grinned like an idiot when her eyes lit up.

"Thank you for having me." She stuttered.

"You're leaving?" My smile dropped.

"No! I It's just I wanted to say thank you."

Is she even real?


"You didn't have to drive me home you know, I could have taken the bus." Winnie countered.

"Yeah, but then I wanted to enjoy your company a little longer, can you blame me?"

"Well I'm enjoying yours so no." She broke a smile.

"I'm going to be in town for a month, how about you come over next weekend? You can even get a hotel room." I offered, I sounded a lot more composed than I did inside.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"And why is that?"I asked.

"I uh-"

"What?" I didn't mean to snap but I was getting anxious.

"I'm seeing somebody." She whispered

I sighed through my nose, I mean I already knew this. But it still made me angry, knowing somebody else had what was supposed to be mine.

"I understand. Goodnight." I stated.

"I-" She started to speak but then abruptly kept quiet.

"I'll call you. I'm sorry." She mumbled, stepping out of the car and disappearing into her tiny house.

I sat in my car and punched the wheel.

"Fuck." I cursed.

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