Part 5 - Suspension

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Alice's POV
We are on our way home and I am so mad at Betty, I'm not surprised about Jordan but I just feel like when they tell me what happened they are going to lie to me. They always find a way to lie to me and that just gets them in more trouble.

Betty's POV
'Moms gonna hurt me' is all I'm able to think about the whole ride home. We sit in the car in silence scared of what our cruel mother will do to us when we arrive at home.
(About 10 minutes later)
We arrive hone still in silence and Jordan quickly says "Good luck, I love you never forget that and come straight to my room when mom is done. Ok?" "Ok love you" I respond as I'm stepping out of the car. We walk up the front porch steps to stand in front of the door. I'm starting to get super shaky and nervous. I carefully open the door and don't see mom. I walk to the kitchen as Jordan walks upstairs. She is standing on the other side of the kitchen waiting for me. Probably waiting to find all ways possible to torture me. A-"What did you do this time Elizabeth?" She says calmly. "Don't call me Elizabeth, I was walking down the hall, chuck bumped into me, said it was my fault, pinned me to a wall, Jordan came up to us, he heard Chuck call me a worthless slut, so he kicked him off of the football team." I say calmly and quietly, digging my nails into my palms like I always do. A-"THATS WHY YOU GOT SUSPENDED? No way why do you ALWAYS LIE TO ME!!" She says now yelling "I didn't lie that's what really happened." She then slaps me across the face and pushes me to the floor, when my head hit the floor I fell unconscious.
Jordan's POV
I heard a lot of yelling downstairs and then a big crash. I'm really worried about betty. "Mom?" I say as I'm walking down the stairs. I see mom out in the back yard smoking and Betty unconscious on the kitchen floor. I run to Betty and carefully pick her up. I carry her to my truck and put her in the backseat. We drive all the way to the hospital. Every once in a while I check to make sure she is still breathing.
When we arrive at the hospital, I carry her in (she hasn't woken up) and get the attention of the nurses "HELP ME!! MY SISTER HAS BEEN UNCONSCIOUS FOR ABOUT 20 MINUTES NOW!!" I yell as I run into the room with Betty in my arms. They get a stretcher and take her away from me. They tell me I have to stay in the waiting room for her. N(nurse)-"Excuse me sir, could you tell me the name of the patient?" "Bet-Elizabeth Cooper" "And your name?" "Jordan Cooper, she is my sister" N-"And what exactly happened to her?" " All I know is that she was slapped and then pushed to the ground most likely hitting her head which made her go unconscious." N-" ok sir thank you" "Um when will I be able to see her" N-"I will let you know when I get an update."
I sat in the waiting room for about two hours after that until I saw a nurse coming out of a room looking stressed she said N-"is there are Jordan Cooper in here?" "That's me!" I say loud enough for her to hear. N-"Come with me"

Betty's POV
I wake up in a hospital room with my head pounding and my cheek stinging, I hate my mother. I am hooked up to so many machines and the only thing that I can think of right now is when Polly died she was hooked up to these same machines. I start to breath heavy. A nurse comes in and tries to help me but it just makes it worse, I have a full on anxiety attack and start to sob and shake and curl myself up into a ball. "I - need - Jordan" I say quietly between sobs. The nurse runs out and asks for Jordan. As she runs out about 3 other nurses run in to calm me. None of them are helping. Jordan comes in and when I see him I call down a little bit, J-"can I pick her up?" He asks. All of the nurses look confused but he always does this to calm me. N-"um sure" he picks me up, I put my head on his shoulder and continue to cry as I wrap am arms around his neck and legs around  his body. He just rubs circles on my back and breaths slowly. I follow his breathing until I calm down. He sits me back down and I immediately ask "where is mom?" J-"She's at home" "ok make sure she doesn't come here" J-"ok, do you want me to stay in here?" "Please do" I say with tears still falling. "So, why did I pass out? I know she pushed me but I didn't black out till I hit the floor" N-"Yes, you have a minor concussion, you just need rest, medicine, and you will have a head ache for about 2 weeks" "ok so when can I go home?" N-"in two hours" J-"ok, thank you". She leaves and I fall back asleep.
(About 2 and a half hours later)
We just pulled into the driveway of the house. I'm so scared of mom. When we get out of the car Jordan grabs by hand and we walk inside. We try to go upstairs but mom stops us. A-"WHERE WERE YOU!?!?!" "Please don't yell" J-"We were at the hospital" A-"WHY, NOTHING IS WRONG WITH HER, SHE IS JUST A BABY WHO CANT HANDLE PAIN!!!" "Please don't yell" I say again a little less calm than last time. J-"She has a concussion, a head injury, so no she is not fine and she is not a baby" A-"BOTH OF YOU IN YOUR ROOMS NOW AND DONT COME OUT!!"

1045 Words
Thank you all so much for reading this story, if you could leave comments giving me ideas or just constructive criticism, I would really appreciate it💖

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