Kit-kat and his stubbornness

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Ming's POV

I was exhausted after all the classes, our exams were approaching so we had to study a lot. I just wanted to return to my condo and rest but I haven't seen my Mr. Kitkat for two days so I decided to see him first. Quickly, I got in my car and drove towards his condo.

On reaching, I directly went to Wayo's room ( Wayo's room is in the same building as Kit's) and as expected P'Pha was also there, he was helping Wayo with his bio subject. I wai'd P'Pha and took Wayo in a corner and whispered," Hey, Wayo please tell P'Pha to make an excuse and make P'Kit come over here, I haven't seen him in two days and I will be very busy in the coming days due to the exams. Plz, na, na, na..." As always Wayo being the sweet boy couldn't refuse me so he went towards P'Pha and whispered something in his ear, P'Pha looked at me.

I don't know what Wayo told him but theway P'Pha looked at me made me feel like digging a hole and burying myself in it due to embarassment. P'Pha smiled and picked his phone and dialled P'Kit's no. and he told P'Kit to come over to Wayo's room and they would all go for a drink. After the call P'Pha looked at me and said," Well, N'Ming after Kit comes here, you have to handle him. I would just say that you came here after I called him. Then u can take him to drink by yourself."

I can feel my cheeks turning red, I thanked P'Pha and waited eagerly for P'Kit to come. I knew he would be angry at me for tricking him like this but what can I do except tricking him if I would have asked him directly to come and meet me, he would have never said yes.

Knock, knock ,knock.... I jumped up in excitement and saw Wayo opening the door to a handsome looking Kitkat. He was wearing a white crisp shirt with the sleeves rolled up, black pants, his hair done neatly and even in this simple getup he looked so handsome well normally P'Kit was the cute type but he was looking extraordinarily handsome today, maybe it's because I haven't seen him in a while, I thought. As soon as i snapped out of this thought I saw P'Kit standing infront of me with his hands on his waist and looking at me wide-eyed, he then turned towards P'Pha and asked him," Is he coming with us too? "

P'Pha answered saying," Well, it wasn't planned earlier for him to come but he showed up and it's good that he did because Wayo just remembered he has to submit a project tomorrow so we won't be able to go." P'Pha then looked at me and said," Ming, why don't you and Kit go for a drink?" just after saying that P'Pha winked at me. " No way, I'd rather go back." said P'Kit then I said ," Please P' come with me na. I am so tired so I just wanted to have a drink with Wayo but as you can see he is very busy. Plz come with me na. I don't like drinking alone" I made those puppy eyes but it didn't effect P'Kit at all. As always he has to be stubborn so I thought I would rather leave, atleast I got to see him and I was dead tired so I stood up and said goodbye and left ftom there.

Please do vote if u like this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. It's my first time writing so please excuse my mistakes. Please do comment, it would be very encouraging to me. Thank u for reading

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