Mingkit officially

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Thank you so much for 1k views and 100+ votes. I really love all of you readers. The moment I open my eyes in the morning, the first thing I check is wattpad, it gives me immense pleasure seeing the votes, comments and views. I promise to give my best in future as well and hope to never disappoint you all. Thank you all the readers. Khawp Khun mak na kha( once again I am not thai but I love the language)

Kit's POV

After the dinner was done, I was finally alone with Ming in his bedroom, as soon as the door closed, I jumped and threw a punch straight to his face," This is what you deserve for making me cry infront of your parents."

He was shocked at first and then holding his punched up cheek, he made that puppy face while whining," P' I am sorry but that punch hurt a lot." His cheeks had become red and I regretted a little for punching him this hard but seriously he deserved it," Go away Ming, I am not talking to you." I turned away when he pulled me in his arms," P' I am really sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. By the way I hope you are not angry that I told my parents without even telling you." I tried to pull away but the thought of him telling his parents about us warmed my heart," Why would I mind about that. I just didn't like that melodramatic acting of yours today." He hugged me tighter," So you are happy that I told my parents?" Is he crazy, ofcourse I am happy, I am on the ninth cloud right now," Well, ya it's fine. Nothing that special but I love that your parents are so nice. I am more happy due to them than you." I got up undoing his arms around me , he smiled, " Well as far as you are happy, it doesn't matter what or who is the reason. I feel really happy when you are happy."

How does he always come up with such sweet talks, he never fails to make me love him more ," Well, when did you tell about us to your parents?" I really wanna know how and when did he tell about us," Well, P', you remember the time that I kinda went away without informing anyone, my mom asked me about it infront of you and I said I will explain later, well, one day she asked me to explain and as I don't lie to my mom, I told her that I was a lil depressed thinking that you hated me while I liked you so I went away and I told her that later everything was sorted out and that we are dating each other now." Really, was it that easy for him," And what did your mom say?" He smiled ," She was a bit surprised but then she was happy that I was dating you as she really likes you a lot." His mother is very understanding and sweet, how would my mother react if I tell her, will she accept Ming, what if she doesn't accept us," P' I know you are stressing about thinking of telling your parents, but there is no need to rush it. Me telling my parents doesn't mean you should too. We can wait for that." Why do I feel that Ming has this superpower of reading my mind, I didn't say anything yet he understood me ," Ming." He looks at me, I pull him close and kiss him gently ," I love you. Thank you for always understanding me. I know I am a lousy boyfriend but I really love you."

Ming's POV

Everytime P'Kit says he loves me, I feel my heart floating and when he refers to himself as my boyfriend, I feel like I am on top of this world but he called himself a lousy boyfriend and I cannot accept that, he is the one who can make me this happy, he is the one who makes me smile all the time, he may think that he doesnt express his feelings much but his actions always tells me how much he loves me,"P' I love you too and for your information you are not a lousy boyfriend."

I leaned towards his ears and whispered," You are the nicest...hottest...basically the best boyfriend anyone can ever have." I could see his cheeks getting flustered and turning that beautiful shade of pink as he pushed me away," Ming, stop it, you pervert." Oh! He looks so cute flustered like this," It's not that I am pervert with everyone, it's just you that..."

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