Devastated Kit

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Kit's POV

I drive back to my condo in shock. My mind tries to convince me with all kinds of excuses that I am misunderstanding but how can it be a misunderstanding, Ming lied to me to be with N'Earth, what else can it be.

As I close the door to my condo, my tears burst out, I can't stop them ,no matter how much I try. I feel empty, like something has been torn away from me.

I finally gather myself up and take a shower and sleep.

I hear a knock on the door, as I open it. I am shocked,  Ming is standing there with N'Earth .

"P'Kit, I am here to tell you something." He says in a deep, serious tone. I gulp hard, guessing what he is about to say.

"P'Kit, I know that you saw us at the restaurant today and I know what you are thinking right now, I don't want to complicate things so let me be straight, what you are thinking is right P'Kit."

A tear escapes without my permission and I look at Ming through blurry eyes , I don't know what to say.

"P'Kit, it's better if we break up now. "

My heart feels like it's gonna burst, finally I manage to blurt out something," Ming....suddenly....."

"P'Kit, it's not sudden at all. You have always been distant with me, ignoring me, cursing me, though I didn't show but it hurt me a lot, I don't think you love me P'Kit but N'Earth loves me, he understands me, he expresses his feelings and I love him too."

This is it, my stubbornness has finally made me pay heavily. How can I make him understand that although I was distant I had always loved him, although I cursed him but all I ever wanted to say was 'I love you '. Now it's too late......too late....

I jerk up in shock and realise it was a dream, I sigh in relief but my heart is now more scared than before. What if the dream comes true? More important is ,was Ming really cheating on me? I shudder at the thought, I check my phone and find that Ming has texted me.

"P'kit, I am sorry that I couldn't pick up my phone , I was busy in the meeting. I am really sorry for today. I love you na P'Kit, Fandee na khrup( sweet dreams.)"

My eyes fill up looking at this text, if only I wouldn't have seen him in that restaurant earlier ,this message would have warmed my heart but all I felt was empty, these words felt empty as if they don't hold any meaning anymore. I lie down and try to sleep but I couldn't, I roll around trying to sleep ,until dawn. I look at the time and it's 5:00 am. I get up and take a shower and then head out to have my breakfast. The early air is cool and fresh, I walk around cluelessly and then after about an hour of wandering I finally choose a stall and have my breakfast.

Third person POV

Kit was completely clueless as to what to do. He remained silent all the time ,he even cancelled the date that Ming promised to take him the following day , dark circles were clearly visible under his eye. He mostly avoided Ming's calls and texts saying he was busy. Ming also didn't seem to try much but it was clearly visible that something has happened between the two of them.

P'Kit's POV

It's been a week now since that incident. I haven't said anything to Ming , I have mostly avoided him saying that I am busy. I am walking towards my condo with my dinner packed, I don't know why I buy dinner because I know I won't eat it, from these few days it has been like this, I can't eat properly , can't sleep, can't do anything properly.  I lie down on my bed as soon as I reach my condo, my head hurts a lot.

Knock, knock,  knock

Who could be here now? Maybe it's Beam , he is bothering me a lot these days.

" Beam, go away. I am not in the mood to talk or bear with any of your bullshit." I shout

"P'Kit, it's me Ming. Can you please open the door."

Shit! What is he doing here? Is he here to break up with me? Is that dream coming true? Why am I acting like a stupid? Why am I afraid of breaking up when I know it is gonna happen ?

"P'Kit, please open the door. You have been avoiding me so much, please talk to me. What is the matter?"

Tears roll down my cheeks, I miss this voice, I miss him but I have to be strong, I have to let him go if he wants to. I slowly move towards the door and say without opening the door," Ming, why are you here at this time?"

"P'Kit, please open the door. We need to talk, please. "

"Ming, I am tired. Can we talk tomorrow?"

I really cant talk to him now , I am a complete mess right now, it will be clear to him that I have been crying, I don't want him to see me like this. I don't want to look pathetic while he breaks up with me.

"P'Kit, please talk to me, please tell me why you are being like this. Please."

I go to my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I really look horrible, I haven't looked at myself in these days and no wonder my friends have been telling me that I look like a ghost. I wash my face, the tear stains disappear but my eyes are red and it is evident that I have cried. I slowly gather up my courage and walk towards the door, Ming is quiet now but I hear a faint whisper, I don't know why he is whispering, I open my door and I am shocked at the sight.  Ming is here with N'Earth, as soon as I see them ,I close the door, my world is spinning, Ming is saying something but I can't hear him , the dream keeps replaying in my mind and finally I hear myself shout out,"I AM BREAKING UP WITH YOU MING. GO , STAY HAPPY WITH YOUR NONG. I WISH TO NEVER EVER SEE YOUR FACE. GO AWAY MING. "

To be continued............

Please don't hate me ,readers. Please don't forget to vote and comment, you know it means a lot to me. I love you all. Will update soon.  Chan ruk thook khon na..

Love has no boundaries......Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon