The storm begins

516 40 15

Play this song at the end of the chapter.

Ming's POV

"Kit, what is this?" P'Kit's mom asks


"Mae what Kit? Answer me. What the hell did I just see?" She asks with a disgusted face ,pinching her nose bridge.

"Mae, I am uh...uhmm dating him" P'Kit finally blurts out , his voice shivering, not raising his head even for once.

"What did you say?" His mother gasps and then looks at me .

"Is this a joke or what?" She sighs looking at me with horror

"It's not a joke khrap. I really love P'..."

"Shut up." His mother shouts and then takes a deep breath trying to calm herself.

"I need to talk to you Kit and you (she points at me) get out of my house right now. I don't want to hear any nonsense from you. "

"But khun...."

"I said get out of my house right now."

"Mae.." P'Kit interrupts

"I will get to you later till then stitch your mouth Kit." She immediately hushes P'Kit and points at the door signalling me to leave. I look at P'Kit who is silently crying and trembling, I wanted to hug him and soothe him but the given circumstances didn't let me. I slowly walk towards the door looking at P'Kit, he doesn't look up and eventually I leave ,under the hateful gaze of his mother.

I go towards my car and wait in there , terrified, petrified. I silently pray leaning my head against the steering .

P'Kit's POV

" Now, I want you to tell me everything Kit. We have never had secrets before then why didn't you tell me about all this. I want you tell me everything." My mom commands firmly.

I was trembling and I felt like fainting out of fear but I had to answer my mom, I had to explain her everything, I have to persuade her to accept us. So slowly I gathered up some courage and started narrating her about us, how we met, how he courted me, how he made me love him, I told her everything. She listened carefully without interrupting me and when I was finally done, I felt a sudden pain across my cheek , soon realising that my mother slapped me

"Kit, I want you to end whatever you have with that guy. He is a guy for God's sake, and you have never been gay, I am sure that person tricked you, he is playing with your feelings Kit.

"Mae, (sob) please mae. (Voice cracks) I love him mae....."

"Kit, I want you to stop with this nonsense. What has happened to you my son? Why are you making me go through all this? It's disgusting..."

Mom also tears up ," Kit, my son. Please, Mae begs you to leave him, my son."

"But Mae, we love each other."

"Where have I gone wrong that you turned this way? Please tell me son what wrong did I do? Maybe it's because I wasn't a capable mother, I couldn't look after you well, maybe it's because you didn't have a father figure in your life...." Mae starts crying loudly, falling on her knees as she blames herself for me being gay.

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