Finding someone for Ming.

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Kit's POV

After all the tests , we are finally granted some holidays. All of us are gathered and we are planning for a trip to the beach. Beam is overly excited, " Hey, we should go to Hua Hin beach, it's not that far from here and almost all of us have not been to that beach so what say people?" I can see Forth smiling watching my stupid friend," Well, I agree with him." says Forth raising his arm, oh! why wouldn't you, can you ever say no to him, Forth really is the cheesiest among us. I sigh," I agree as well." says Ming and looks at me," I agree too." I say. I am fine going anywhere as long as I am with Ming, wait, what did I just think Oh! God and I was thinking that Forth was cheesy. Well you don't realise how cheesy you are until you meet the one you love. Everyone agrees after a while and we decide the date and all. We have a holiday of two weeks and we want to spend atleast  four days at the beach so we decide to go on Monday, which is three days from today.

As we are done with the discussions and all, we head towards our condos , ofcourse Ming is following me. " P'Kit, I want to ask you something." he says while closing the door of my condo ," What is it ,Ming?" He sits on the bed smiling," My mom wants to see us." I look at him ," What do you mean by us?" He takes my hand and pulls me on his lap," P', why do you get worried so easily, it's just that my mom liked you a lot when you visited last time so she wanted me to visit her with you if you are free." I was so relieved when I heard that, earlier I thought that he might have told his parents about us, Ming is really unpredictable he can actually do that. Thank God he hasn't because I would die of heart attack if he did," P' what are you thinking? Are you coming with me or not?" I nod," Yeah, I am." He hugs me and I realise that all this time I have been sitting on his lap," Hey, let me go now. " I try to stand up only to be pulled back again and held tightly by him," I don't want to." This person has really become adamant and bold," Let me go , you idiot, I will punch you if you don't let me go." I try breaking away from his arms but he holds me tighter, "Ming , you are hurting me now , let go. I am serious." He slowly loosens his arms around me ," I missed you P'."

I jump up the moment his arms are completely unwrapped around me," How could you miss me, we have been together the whole day." I say frowning at him," I missed hugging you, I couldnt hug you the whole day." Seriously, how could I think Forth was cheesy earlier when I have this person who is literally dripping cheese off of him ," Stop acting like a kid, Ming. And when are we going to your parent's home." He stood up ," Oh! Yeah, about that, we are leaving tonight. " and he is informing me just now ," Ming, you stupid donkey, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Ming chuckles," Oh, P' I am telling you right now na. Well we will stay there for two days and come back on the third day. So start packing, I will also go and pack my stuff. See you at 7:00pm, P'" and before I could say anything he is gone. Well , anyways I think I will have fun because I know his mother and we really do get well together. Thinking of that I wonder , will my mom get along well with Ming like Ming's mom and I do. Probably not because my mom is a bit strict , I shudder at the thought and start packing my stuff.

Ming's POV

I pick up P'Kit at around 7:00pm and then we head towards my home. I am really excited as there is a big surprise for P'Kit at home. I look at him while he is humming along with the song 'Ja dai mai leum tur.' (So I won't forget you.) I don't know what future has for us but I will always want to be with P'Kit for the rest of my life. We finally reach my home and mom is waiting for us on the doorstep, seriously mom, do you have to make it that obvious. She hugs P'Kit as soon as he is out of the car, what, mom has changed sides this soon." Oh, finally you both are here, we have been waiting for so long." Dad is also standing outside, mom finally hugs me and we all get inside. As always mom has done a lot of cooking so we immediately sit for dinner after freshening up a bit. " So, how were your tests , son?" My mom asks P'Kit, he looks at me then mom and realises that the question was directed towards him so he smiles a bit ," Um, it was fine, Khun." My mom frowns a little," I call you son, so you can call me mom. No formalities needed." She says while winking at me. Mom, stop making it obvious, it is supposed to be a surprise, I scream inside my mind. P'Kit blushes," Oh, okay ..khu...Mae."

I look at my dad and nod my head, he raises his glass," I have got an important announcement to make. There is a person whom I think might be suitable for our Ming." P'Kit chokes at this point and starts coughing furiously, I pass him the water and he snatches it from me, I can see he is really upset," Oh, are you alright, son." My mom asks with a worried face, " Oh, I am fine khu... Mae. Sorry for the interruption." My dad smiles wickedly and continues," Oh , it's okay son. Well , as I was saying that I have found someone for Ming and I think that Ming will really like him/ her( in thai "kao" is the word that is used both for him as well as her. I am not thai but am trying to learn thai. So if I have made a mistake please do notify me through your comments.). " P'Kit is turning red by now and he is looking down. I am sorry P'Kit but this is all just a part of the surprise, just bear with it for a while. " I know I would like that person, dad." P'Kit looks at me and I can tell he is hurting really bad. Ok, fine I am stopping this hell for him as soon as possible," Well, that would really be nice. So, why don't you call her/him and fix a meeting for tomorrow." Dad gives me the no. and I call. All this time P'Kit haven't said anything and has been looking down, he startles when his phone rings, he looks up at me," Ming, why are you calling me?" He says with disgust " P' why don't you pick it up then?" He looks at me and then my parents, completely confused. My mom wipes the tear that has spilled out of P'Kit's eyes without him knowing," Well, we think you are the person suitable for our Ming ." P'Kit looks at me horrified ," Don't panic son. Ming told us about you and we are happy for both of you." Dad says while laughing at P'Kit's terrified look. P'Kit looks completely lost," I...uh..I" My mom pats him on the back," You don't have to say anything if you are not ready. I hope you don't mind Ming telling us about you."

P'Kit's POV

I can't believe Ming literally told his parents about us and that his parents accepted us so easily. I skipped a heart beat when his father said that he has found someone for Ming and that ass acted like he was interested and all. My eyes brimmed up but I couldn't let my tears flow, what will his parents think, I felt like my world is coming to an end. Ming acted so well, he is a sadist and that's all I can say but the important thing is that he told his parents. At first, I was shocked but slowly I can't help but be happy thinking that he told his parents about me. I love him but I will definitely teach him a lesson today so that he doesn't think of such sadistic surprises in the future. Ming's mom says," I hope you dont mind Ming telling us about you." She again wipes a trace of tear on my cheek, this is so embarassing, I literally cried infront of his parents," No, Mae. I don't mind at all. " is all I blurt out. " Well, then let's celebrate" roars Ming's dad and raises the cup," To my son and son-in-law." I blush and everyone laughs.

To be continued......

Well I hope you liked the chapter and if you liked it, please don't forget to vote and comment.

( A surprise is awaiting for all you readers in the next chapter.)

Will update soon...... till then susu na..

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