Troubles bring us closer

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Ming's POV

It was clear now that P'Kit didn't like me. I picked up my mom's call as P'Kit left the car. My mom could sense that something was wrong with me and kept asking me what was wrong but I lied and told her that it's just exam stress and that I was tired. We talked for a while and then ended the call. As I drove away from P'Kit's condo, all I can think about is his one sentence," Hatred is a strong word for dislike" I was so dumb to think that P'Kit likes me back, I could feel the tears brimming in my eyes, my vision blurring, my heart aching, I didn't wanna go back to my condo, I just wanted to drive and go somewhere far, somewhere so far where I could get rid of this pain but I knew that no such place exists. I didn't know where I was going, but I just kept on driving.....

P'Kit's POV

I hate myself for always making things difficult. Ming misunderstood me again and it's all my fault, I suck at expressing emotions and so it again took a toll today. His sad face flashed in my mind and I felt choked up, does he really like me that much? Sometimes I can't help but wonder why such a handsome, outstanding guy like him would want to date me? All these times I tried to turn him away is because somewhere I feel he deserves a lot better person than me. Well, this is how I am, I overthink and make things worse. I like him and he likes me, why am I being a douchebag then, well ,enough is enough I can't take it anymore, I can't stay away from him, it's too late now, I have already fallen for him. Tomorrow I am honestly gonna tell him how I feel about him, yeah, that's it I am gonna tell him.

The next morning I woke up, got ready and headed towards the university but today I am heading towards the engineering department, I am feeling nervous but finally I feel like I am doing the right thing. I tell myself again that everything would just go fine. As soon as I reach there I start searching for him but he is nowhere to be seen, I search for him everywhere, in the class, in the canteen, even his car isn't there in the parking lot. Where could he be? I waited for him a lot but he didn't come, I am already getting late for my class and it's teacher auntie's lecture so I decide to come again later and rush for my class. I couldn't concentrate on anything in the class, all I could think was where the hell was Ming?? As the class gets over I hurriedly start packing my stuff to leave when Beam says," Hey, what's gotten into you today. Why do u look so detached and where are going in such a hurry?" I didn't have much time for interrogations so I just say" Oh! I have got some important work to be done, see you two later" then I rush away from there. Ming didn't attend his classes today, I asked his friends and they told me he didn't come for his classes. I even went to his condo but he isn't there also, his phone is switched off and noone has any idea where he is, even N'Wayo doesn't know where he is. I am at N'Wayo's condo now and all of us are gathered including me, Beam, N'Wayo, Phana, even Forth is here. All of us have tried to find him but to no avail. After last time I talked him, noone has seen him since then. I am scared, where are you Ming? Please come back, please don't do this to me. N'Wayo is now talking to Ming's parents on the phone but even they don't know where he is. My last hope was that he would be at his parent's home but now even that hope is shattered. Where could he be? Is he safe? Did something bad happen to him? No, no, I should think positive, maybe he just needed some time alone so he might have switched his phone off and he might be at a friend's home whom we all don't know, he is safe, he should be safe. Please God, let him be safe. I can feel my tears rolling down my cheeks, if something happens to him I will never be able to forgive myself, it's all my fault. "Hey, it's gonna be fine, he will be ok, dont worry." said Pha patting my back then Beam too started to console me, they have never seen me cry before, I always kept my cool even during the hardest of times but now it was different, this was about Ming , about the person whom I loved deeply and the worst part was that I was the one responsible for Ming's disappearance," It's all because of me, yesterday he asked me if I hated him and I just said that hate is a strong word for dislike, he misunderstood me and must have thought I disliked him , he seemed sad and it was my fault I always stay stubborn and fuck things up. It's all my fault." I blurt out all that was on my mind, N'Wayo comes over " P', please don't blame yourself , I am sure Ming would be alright, he might just be a little upset and would have wanted to be alone, I am sure he will be back soon. I will definitely teach him a lesson for making all of us worry like this. P', please calm down." Phana and Beam also start consoling me while N'Wayo calls the police for any updates about Ming. Slowly the voices fade away and my vision gets blurred, I don't know but it feels like everything is fading away until darkness overcomes everything...

Ming's POV

I kept on driving and when I was all exhausted I decided to stay at a hotel, my phone's battery was dead but I didn't care. When I woke up, it was seven in the evening, I have slept all day , so I get up and put my phone on charge and go out to eat something. When I came back and switched on my phone, there were 500 missed calls, everyone including Wayo, P'Pha, P'Beam, P'Kit, P'Forth have tried calling me even my parents. I immediately call my parents and tell them I am okay and then I quickly call Wayo "You asshole, where have you been, come to the hospital near our university right now, P'Kit is not okay." Call ended. I was shocked, I couldn't move for a while, what does Wayo mean by saying that P'Kit is not okay, what happened to him? Finally, I got up and sped my way towards P'Kit.

P'Kits POV

I feel dizzy but I can hear voices and gradually these voices get clearer and clearer, I can feel someone holding my hand and I slowly open my eyes, the first thing I see is Ming looking at me with worried looks, his cheeks are all wet by crying and he is asking me if I am okay while sobbing . I stare at him for a while , he has no idea how relieved I am on seeing him " I am fine Ming." He clutches my hand and looks down and starts sobbing even more " I..sob,.. am sorry P'....sob... I shouldn't have gone....sob.... without telling anyone." I put my other hand over his hand " It's okay Ming , you are fine and that's all that matters. I am sorry too." Ming looks up " You don't have to be sorry P', Wayo told me that you were blaming yourself for my disappearance, it's not at all your fault P'." I held his hand and asked him," Ming, do you really think I hate you?" He seemed confused by my question " No P', not anymore."

To be continued

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