The Confession

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Ming's POV

It was such a relief seeing P'Kit safe. I can't believe when Wayo said that P'Kit was so worried about me that he even cried when he came to know that I wasn't even at my parent's home, I felt my blood rush when I heard it, I felt so bad but somewhere my selfish self was happy that he cared about me, it's obvious now that he doesn't hate me but it doesn't prove that he likes me. I went and sat infront of him, the doctor told us that nothing was serious and it was just due to excess pressure and anxiety and not having proper diet that he fainted. I held his hands and sat beside him, he was resting peacefully, he looked so damn cute sleeping like a baby but the fact that he fainted kept on tearing my heart apart, I didn't even realise when my tears started rolling down my cheeks, suddenly he opened his eyes and he smiled at me, we had a lil conversation and then he asked me if I really think that he hates me or not, I answered confidently that now I am sure that he doesn't, he smiled and said," That's good, remember that no matter what ,I have never hated u and never will." I can feel my heart warming up, I smiled at him, I guess he wanted to say more but at that very moment, everyone who were earlier waiting outside the room came in and gathered around P'Kit and started showering questions upon him then after being done with him, everyone slowly turned their gazes towards me, I can feel that I was gonna be in trouble so I naturally looked down, Wayo smacked my back and pushed me hard," What the hell were you thinking huh, you could have atleast told me where you were going, do you even realise how worried we all were, we even informed the police, your parents couldn't even sleep the whole night, what were you thinking?" I kept silent keeping my gaze low " Answer me you idiot, where were you?" I finally uttered," I,... uh...I just wanted to go for a drive, so I went on and didn't even realise where I was when I finally decided to stop so I spent the night in a nearby hotel. My phone's battery was dead so I couldn't call any of you. I didn't think that you people would be this worried. I am really sorry." Wayo was again gonna shout at me when P'Pha stopped him and said," It's okay Ming, we were worried because Kit told us that you two had some misunderstandings the last time you both talked and right after that you weren't seen be anyone and Kit told us that you didn't even attend your classes so it's obvious that we were worried." I felt ashamed of my stupidity and apologised again. The doctor came in and did a check up for P'Kit's condition and to our relief he said that P'Kit is alright now and discharged him right away. We decided that I would drop P'Kit at his condo and look after him tonight ( readers get ready for some cute moments now😏). Everyone left, me and P'Kit got in my car and we headed towards P'Kit's condo, as we were approaching our destination my phone rang and it was my mom calling, I picked up the phone " Ming, where are you right now my son? I really want to see you, I was so worried for you last night. Can you please come home, I just need to see your face, please honey" I wanted to say no but it's very rare for my mom to ask for something so desperately so I said yes but I didn't wanna leave P'Kit at all, when will I ever get a chance like this where he is willing for me to take care of him and be with him " P' I know I might be asking a lot from you but will you please come with me to meet my parents, my mom is really worried about me after last time and she really wants me to be home and I don't wanna leave you, will you please come with me? na, na, na" I put on my cute puppy face while saying it, P'Kit turned towards me and said," O.K" For a moment I couldn't really process whether he really said it or was it just me hearing things but then slowly I came to my senses and I realised he really said yes, but how come he didn't even protest a bit, how come he agreed so easily, did he just faint and turn into a complete different person " Ming, what happened why do you look like you have just seen a ghost? " I snapped out of my thoughts " P' I am just wondering how come you agreed so easily, normally you would protest against me like the world is coming to an end." He frowned " Do you want me to say no then?" I nodded my head saying no and I thought I would better shut up before this mouth of mine screws up my luck. Half an hour later we reached my home. Mom was eagerly waiting for me and the moment she saw me, she ran towards me and took me in her arms " Oh! my child, I was so worried for you yesterday. You have never gone anywhere without telling us or atleast Wayo. Never ever do something like this in future." She held me tight in her arms, I really felt guilty for making all these people worry for me, I promised mom that I would never do such a thing in future. Dad too came and hugged me, I introduced P'Kit to my parents.

Kit's POV

The moment Ming asked me to accompany him to his home I got so happy, I have always wanted to know him more but have always given up due to my stubbornness but this time I was determined not to hold back anymore so I agreed right away. The look he gave me after hearing me was worth recording, he looked so confused I knew he was surprised that I agreed so easily, he looked so cute in that state of confusion so I helped him snap out of it. When we reached his home, his mom came running towards him and hugged him tightly and I could see how much she loved him and how worried she was yesterday then his father too came out and Ming introduced me " Mom meet P'Kit, he is my senior at the university but he is in the medical faculty, he is basically a doctor." He smirked at me while saying that , his mom's gaze shifted towards me " Oh! so this is the P'Kit you have been telling me about for weeks. He is really handsome. So nice to meet you , please come in son"( ya, Ming's mother called P'Kit 'son'😍) I wai'd her and Ming's dad and we all went inside. It was already dinner time so we straightaway sat for dinner, Ming's mother was so gentle and friendly, soon me and his mom were bonded so well and after dinner she even showed me photos of Ming when he was a kid. All the photos were so cute , Ming playing with his dad, cutting birthday cakes, going on trips, running naked, and so many other photos, Ming was turning red like a tomatoe and telling his mother to stop showing his pics to me but his mother was adamant and showed me a lot of photos, I was so happy because finally he was being teased otherwise it was always him teasing me and making me blush. Soon it was bedtime so Ming took me to his room " P'Kit you sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the sofa, if you need anything just tell me. I will go take a shower now, you make yourself comfortable." saying that he went to shower while I looked around, there were many photos of him and his friends, neatly laid on top of the shelf were his trophies that he has won in Thai kickboxing, I must have stayed wandering for a while because he came out of the bathroom after being done with his showering . "P' you might want to shower as well, you can wear any clothe from my closet". When I came out after showering he was waiting for me," P' please don't forget to take your medicines" and he handed me my medicines and then went on the balcony outside his bedroom, he then signalled me to come there as well ,so I went " P' this used to be my favourite place when I was young, whenever I felt sad or angry I would come here and it would make me feel better and I would contemplate on my issues. This place really calmed me down. It's still my favourite place." Even though it was a bit dark out here I can still see a smile on his face then I looked around , the place was really nice, there were lots of trees in his garden below and the air was refreshing, the moon stood beautifully in the sky, it was so calm and quiet, no wonder this place calmed him down, it was so peaceful and beautiful that anyone could calm down. I have started to see things more clearly as my pupils adjusted to the dark then I looked at him, his handsome figure standing just inches away from me bathing in moonlight, his hair perfect as always, his eyes reflecting the moonlight, his perfect nose, his lips looking so delicious. I gently hold his hand, he immediately looks at me "Ming, thank you for bringing me here I really enjoyed a lot. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for everything." He seems surprised " P' you dont have to thank me. I am always happy to take care of you." I pull him closer and say," That's what I wanna say thank you for, thank you for bearing all my stubbornness and stupidity. " I can hear his breathing get faster " Ming, I actually wanna tell you something." He turns attentive and looks me straight in the eyes " What is it P' Kit?" I take a deep breath and bring him even closer, our faces now just inches apart, he smelled of shampoo as he has just taken a bath, I have never been this close to him so I have never known how intoxicating his smell could be, my gaze lingered on his face, he looked more handsome this close, not even one flaw I could notice, my gaze now got captured on his lips, those beautiful, delicious lips, before I could even think I leaned in and kissed him , he seemed a lil surprised at the beginning but soon he started kissing me back, it felt nice, it felt like I belonged here with him in this moment, my heart screamed out 'I Love You' that's when I parted my lips from his and whispered in his ear " I LIKE YOU MING"

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