Stalker heights.

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N'Earth's POV

Ever since I saw P'Ming, I was attracted to him. He was handsome, polite, smart, hot and what not , and on top of it all he was the campus moon. I was so fucking determined to court him until I found out that he already has a boyfriend and that person was none other than that asshole Kit , my high school senior and my mortal enemy.

Why does he always has to be an obstacle in my way , I thought he liked girls but then yeah even I liked girls but everything changed when I saw P'Ming. But dammit that Kit again got in my way, when I was in high school I had a huge crush on P'Ple but she was dating that douchebag Kit, I also had a fight with him because he got in my way when I was about to make P'Ple mine, though others would call it harassing but I really liked P'Ple and I did whatever I could but I failed, all because of that asshole but I won't give up this time, I will make P'Ming mine, no matter how.

I stalked them a lot, I even followed them to the beach where I witnessed their fight due to P'Ple. That was the strongest point that I needed to break them off, I planned for days to think of a way to break them and have my way into P'Ming's life. Fortunately, when the hazing activities began I got to know that P'Ming was my direct line senior, I took full advantage of the opportunity and got close to P'Ming.

The first time I went to his dorm asking him about hazing activities as I was about to leave, that asshole Kit arrived , I was so scared that he would recognise me but then how could I forget that he is stupid, he didn't recognise me and that was a huge plus point for me.

I knew that P'Kit was jealous of P'Ming getting close to me, therefore whenever I was with P'Ming he would make sure that P'Kit doesn't know about it because he really loved that asshole and he would never let that asshole worry. This quality of P'Ming infuriated me yet it also made me admire him more, I wanted him to care about me like this, I yearned for him more and more each day.

Finally, one day I got a chance. I got to know that P'Ming and P'Kit are gonna have a date night so I purposely told P'Ming that there will be a meeting in the university and made him stay back then I said that the other seniors can't join because they are busy and that we have been instructed just to familiarise more with our direct line seniors, I knew that he won't say no because he is a responsible person so I took him to an open restaurant and I knew that P'Kit would pass through this road. Now don't be surprised thinking how I know this, I know this because I always check P'Ming's phone in his absence , he being the typical lovey-dovey person has kept his boyfriend's birthday as his mobile password, so I knew the location through his messages. I was just hoping that P'Kit would pass from here when miraculously he did, I held P'Ming's hand and led him to the restaurant. As P'Ming seemed a bit surprised by my action so I covered it up by saying that I have a habit of holding hands when I cross road and he bought the lie.

As I was talking I saw that asshole lurking around us from a distance. I saw P'Ming's phone ringing and he didn't pick it up, it rang again and he still didn't pick it which made me feel happy from the core. I knew it was P'Kit's call, so I asked P'Ming saying that I guess the person who is calling is his girlfriend then why isn't he picking it up and he instantly revealed that it was his boyfriend and that he wasn't picking it up because he said that he would be at the university as it was planned earlier and that he didn't want his boyfriend to know that he is at a restaurant and doubt him.

Why does P'Ming love that person so much? What is so special about him?
I cracked a joke after that to cover up my frowning face and as we laughed along I saw P'Kit leave and it felt great.

Actually, I was myself surprised upon how smooth the whole planning went , I was thinking that maybe that Kit won't reach on time or he won't notice us but luck made him reach us on the right time. But now it was time to strike my best move so I asked P'Ming that who was his boyfriend and he very proudly replied that it was P'Kit. I was so angry at how happy he looked while talking about him, finally I struck him with my best move , I told him a lie saying that my friend is P'Ple's brother and I know that P'Kit is still pursuing P'Ple, the only truth in this whole thing was that I really was that asshole's junior. P'Ming didn't seem to believe me at first but I know I had sown a seed of doubt in him.

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