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Ming's POV

I was furious and I needed to let out all this anger, I needed to release all the stress. At last I decided to call Wayo, he has always been by my side and only he can truly understand how I am feeling. Wayo has been trying to talk to me these days as he had noticed me being all quiet and depressed but I had been avoiding him but today I needed to tell him everything, I needed my best friend.

He came rushing to the bar that I told him to come to meet me, I was already a bit tipsy when he came. Wayo sat beside me and I hugged him tightly while crying out loudly, I didn't care what other people in the bar thought, the moment I saw Wayo I lost all control and started crying. He gently patted my back while asking me what was the problem. I told him everything ,between my cries and sobs. He listened to me carefully and was shocked when I told him everything. Even he was finding it hard to believe that P'Kit would do such a thing . If I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed either.
I was crying pathetically while drinking heavily, Wayo tried to stop me many times but I was in no mood to listen to anyone. He stayed by my side consoling me and watching over me.

"Hey, Ming I am going to the washroom, dont you move from here ok. I will be back in a minute." Wayo said after a while and went to the toilet.

I was really drunk by now but I just couldn't forget what I saw today, the scene of him with those bitemarks kept flooding my mind and I was going crazy. As I looked around, I saw P'Kit with his new found love. My heart started boiling with anger, I didn't say anything in the morning because I was too shocked but now looking at them, my heart was literally brimming with disgust, anger and hatred.

I stood up but I fell down immediately as my head was dizzy but I managed to get up again and walk towards him. The girl was tickling him and he was smiling and beaming, I clenched my teeth and almost bit my tongue.

I walked towards them and pulled P'Kit by his arm to face me. He looked shocked to see me.

"Oh, well well, you look really disappointed to see me, am I that disgusting to you now, my lovely Kitkat?" I smirked at him in disgust

"Ming, what are you doing ?" He said

"This is a bar Kit, what do you expect people to do here other than drinking. Well, how is your date going ha? Enjoying much? She must be really good in bed no?" I spit out these words at him.

"Ming, mind your language. You are drunk , you should go home now. Who did you come here with? Are you alone?"

I laughed hard clenching my stomach with my hands.

"Alone? Are you asking me if I am alone? Hahaha yeah, P'Kit you left me alone hahaha and you know what I don't have a bitch like yours to come here with."

"Ming, stop being stupid...."

"Shut up, you have no right to call me stupid, you asshole. " I grab his collars

"Hey, hey , please calm down...." the bitch steps in , taking my hands off of P'Kit. I grab her arms and pull her close.

"You seem to be very kinky in bed considering all the bite marks that I saw on his body , is he good enough for you? Cause you know what, I can do you a lot better than him, you know what, he used to scream out my name in pleasure when I fucked him......"

A punch comes right across my face and I fall but I land in somebody's arms.

"Don't you dare touch my friend." Wayo growls at P'Kit. Finally he has arrived and I fall unconscious in my best friend's safe embrace.

P'Kit's POV

I was depressed the whole day, what else can I do, I have ruined everything with my own hands but I had no option other than just sitting and let it happen.

Mook was really worried about me and stayed with me the whole day, in the evening she suggested that we go to a bar so I agreed and she made me promise that I wont drink senselessly.
As we got in the bar, I felt like Ming was around, a weird sensation of his presence was felt.

"Hey, please try to chill out a bit my lovely brother." Mook pinched my cheeks and started tickling me to cheer me up ,as I started to smile a bit, a strong force turned me around and I saw Ming standing before me.

I really felt sad for whatever he was saying and feeling, I could have endured all his abuses towards me and I would have also kept quiet even if he would have beaten me but he insulted my sister, I know he thinks that she is my girlfriend but still it's not justified to humiliate a lady, so when he started talking dirty to my sister I punched him.

He fell right into Wayo's arms.

"Don't you dare touch my friend." Wayo was fuming with anger. The look that Wayo had now was the same as the one he had when he hit N'Earth.

"N'Wayo, I didn't mean to hit him but....." I tried to explain him a bit

"Enough, P'Kit. I don't want to hear anything but I want you to remember one thing if you ever lay your dirty hands on my friend , I would not spare you." He glared at me with disgust and anger while dragging Ming out of the bar.

I clutch my hair and sigh.

"I am sorry for his behaviour Mook."

Mook's eyes are full of tears ,"You really hurt him bad Kit, can't you see the hurt in his eyes? Are you really sure that either of you will ever be happy staying separated?"

I stare at her for a while but I don't answer because I know that the answer is no, atleast for me it's a no, I will never be happy after doing what I have just done to him today. I will never be able to forgive myself. I know I will never love someone else as I love Ming .

To be continued...........

These chapters are really hard for me to write, I promise I will end this angst soon. Till then take care everyone. Love you all

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