Meet up or a mess up

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P'Kit's POV

The weekend is approaching and I am getting more and more nervous as the days pass by. Though I am gonna introduce Ming as my friend only but still I am afraid. My mother has always been supportive of me, she has always loved me and cared for me but she is also a very strict woman, she is not completely narrow minded but she is somehow a bit traditional and she hates going against rules. And above all that, she is obsessed about the thought of having grandchildren, she has always been telling me to quickly complete my studies, get married and grant her grandchildren. That is why I am scared, I love her so much and she means the world to me. Actually my mom is my world, as my father died due to cancer when I was only 2 years old, my mom is the one who raised me as a single parent. She has played the role of both the parents and I have always loved her. Therefore I am scared because one day she will have to know about me  and Ming's relation then how will she react? Will she accept us??

"P'Kit, what are you thinking about?"
Ming startles me.

"Oi, Ming. You scared me. How come I didn't hear you open the door? "

"Well, I think I should ask you that question. What were you thinking about that you didn't even notice me?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about some stuff."

"P'Kit, if you are not ready, we can wait to meet your mother, you know."

How does he know that I was worrying about that? 

"I am ready, Ming and besides I am just introducing you as my friend so why should I be worried."

"Ok, fine. If you are fine about it then it's good but I just want to remind you that you don't have to worry so much ok"

"Ok , Ming. Now let's go I'm very hungry."

"Ok, let's go khrap."

Ming's POV

Time skip. Present time: the weekend.

I haven't been able to sleep the whole night thinking about meeting P'Kit's mom. I know that I will be introduced as just his friend but still there is this fear lingering inside me that won't go.

I get ready and head towards P'Kit's condo, he is already waiting near the parking area. He looks pale and it is clearly visible that he is scared too.

"Good morning, P'Kit."

"Good morning, Ming."

"Have you had breakfast?"

"No, I haven't but I don't  feel like eating.  Let's just head straight to my house."

"Ok, khrap."

Silence prevails for the rest of the journey as we both are lost in our own thoughts. After about 3 hrs, we reach P'Kit's house.

P'Kit knocks on the door for a few times and an elegant lady opens the door.

"Oh, my Kit. I have missed you sooo much.."
His mom hugs him the moment she sees him.

"Sawaddee khrap, Mae.  I have missed you as well."

As they break the hug , P'Kit's mom looks at me.

"Oh, Mae this is Ming, my friend. I told you earlier that I was visiting you along with him." P'Kit introduces me.

"Sawaddee khrap khun."

"Sawaddee kha. I welcome you in my humble house. Come both of you, I have prepared so many dishes for you. Freshen up and then we will eat."

We freshen up a bit and head downstairs for our lunch. The dining table is full of P'Kit's favourite dishes. His mom is standing near the table, smiling at us. A servant serves us the food and then disappears in the kitchen.

P'Kit's mom joins her hand and prays before eating and P'Kit does the same so I copy them. As the prayer ends she nods and we start eating. I look at P'Kit and he seems very awkward .

"So, how are your studies going, my son?"

"Oh, it's all good Mae."

"So, what do you do Khun Ming?" She asks me

"Oh, I am a second year student in engineering khun and please you can just call me Ming."

She smiles a bit ," Ok, Ming. So how do you two know each other?"
P'Kit coughs up a bit and then answers,"Oh, Mae . He is my friend Forth's junior so we met a few times ."

"You must be really special because my Kit normally takes a lot of time to befriend someone. I was surprised when he said that he is  bringing a new friend home , earlier it used be Beam or Phana and they also visited here just once or twice."

I smile as I don't  know what else to say or do.

"So Mae,  how have you been doing?" P'Kit finally ends the awkward silence

"I am doing just fine ,my dear. But I miss you a lot."

"Ho Mae, I also miss you a lot."

"Well, aren't you graduating after a year?"

"Yes, Mae."

"Well, I still can't believe my Kit will be a doctor after a year, oh my son you have grown up so quick."

"Ho, Mae you speak as if I am still a child."

I smile listening to their cute conversation. Though P'Kit's mom looks strict but she is really loving for her son. After the lunch , we talk a bit about my studies and plans and I tell her about my family. Everything goes smoothly and she tells us to rest a bit so we head towards P'Kit's room.

"Wow, that went better than I thought" I say while closing the door. P'Kit also seems relaxed, finally.

"Yeah, it went great. You are really amazing at charming people, Ming. My mom has never been so close to any of my friends ."

"Well I charmed you so  that itself explains how much of a charming person I am" I smirk

"Oh, shutup Ming."  He pushes me a little but I trap him in my arms.

"P'Kit, thank you so much for bringing me here. "

He blushes,"I should be the one thanking you for making all the effort."

I smile  before gently kissing his forehead, he turns red ,"Well then why don't you thank me with a kiss P'Kit."

"Huh! Think about it in your dreams." He pushes me as I pout, showing my disappointment and then turn around.

Suddenly P'Kit turns me to face him and crashes his lips on mine, sucking on my lower lip . I pull him in an embrace, pushing my tongue in as he gasps. I devour his lips

"Kit, what are you doing?"

We both get startled by the interruption and immediately pull away. P'Kit's mom stands there stunned, looking at both of us with her mouth wide-open.  My heart starts beating.

This was not supposed to happen.

To be continued..............

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So readers, now that P'Kit's mother has come to know about them, what do you think about how she would react? Let me know in the comments. I will update soon.

Love you all so much.

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