Scenarios 1: Life as a Mortal

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The battle was won; Kronika was defeated by merging the power of Raiden and Liu Kang; giving born to a new god-like being.
Witnessing it yourself was really breathtaking; Liu Kang is now a god and went off to fight the Keeper of time while everyone in Earthrealm and Outworlders fought the Cyber Lin Kuei ninjas and NeatherRealm demons.
After the battle everyone just goes back to normal; quiet as if the battle not happen.
You haven't seen Liu Kang nor Raiden in a while which did sadden you because you love the Thunder God with all of your heart, granted what happen when he turn 'dark' then erase and past Raiden among with others came to fight Kronika and how confusing all of this is.
Still you did confess your feelings to both present and past Raiden but sadly before he could respond to your feelings something bad happens and it needs immediate attention.
No matter you all pull thru and life is just peace within just five months after.

Walking home from your work and deciding what to have for dinner since you live alone at your small rental house; you did forget to take something frozen out so you can cook it later when you came home. However you weren't in the mood to eat any meat and decide to just have something simpler, plus its a friday and you chose to be lazy during the weekend.
When you reach the front porch of your door, checking to mail to see what's new; which isn't beside junk, flyers and bills; you made a mental note to paid them right away because you are responsible wanting to pay stuff on time and not be debt.
When you were about to put your keys in to unlock the door, suddenly a flash of light appeared behind you.
Freak out you cover your eyes from the light as it engulf you.
A few seconds went back you open your eyes as the light dyed down, blinking to figure out what happen you quickly turn around and notice you are in a different place.
The area is interesting to say the least, it looks like own little dimension, with strange gadgets turning; almost like gears, and they were everywhere that only your eyes can see, looking down on the floor you see how lovely it is, marble onyx with white pin circle lines overlapping the others and turning to the side you saw this huge hourglass, with large metal circles on the top and on the bottom.
It was very strangely beautiful like you were in a dream but you knew you were still wide awake.

" I?!" You ask yourself, not sure if you were going to get an answer.
"(Y/N)?!" A female voice called you; making you turn around and gasp at a familiar face. There stood a young woman close to your age; she has long blonde hair done in a pony tail wearing short of army outfit with brown boots, black pants, white shirt and light brown jacket.
"Cassie?!?" You call her while you jogged up to her and you notice a man much older then her standing next to her, he wore a simple brown shirt with black jacket and deep blue jeans. "Mr. Cage?!" You question again.
"Yo Kiddo...Umm what's going on here?" Johnny ask while looking at the two of you.

As more familiar faces show up; Jax among with Jacqui and Takeda and Kenshi, Kuai Liang aka Sub-Zero, Hanzo Hasashi aka Scorpion, Bo'Rai Cho, Jade and Kotal, Kung Jin and surprisingly an older looking Kung Lao.  
Everyone just look at each other confuse and wondering why the hell is everybody here.

"Oh no, another threat?!" Kung Lao question, everyone starts to worried.
"How?! Its been five months of peace and quiet in Earthrealm" Johnny exclaim.
"Same in Outworld" Kotal added. "We were in a meeting room with Baraka and Shiva for business then we are here"
"So who is this new enemy?" ask Jacqui ready for a fight.
"Now everyone, calm yourselves" A new voice echoed in.

Everyone is on high alert now when a ball of light appeared; getting into a battle stance; some still have their weapons, while you and few don't.
As the ball of light takes form; a man floated above everyone, he had beautiful sliver hair had a little bun on top of his head, wearing a grey head-band with gold plates around it, pupil-less white eyes.
He had no shirt but showing his glowing dragon tattoos on both arms, with a hat strap on his shoulders and teal pants. 

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