1. Spiderman?

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    It started out normally for the Son of Poseidon. Camp Half-Blood was having some "problems" and would call if they needed Percy. He decided to walk back home, not feeling particularly happy. Why? Because he had to deal with his abusive stepfather.

His stepfather was none other than Gabe Ugliano. He killed Percy's mother, he tortured Percy. You might be wondering, why can't Percy just kill him? Well my friends, that answer is very simple. Yes, Percy does hate his stepfather. But Gabe is a pure mortal a living being.

Percy took a long sigh before opening his apartment door. He had hoped his stepfather would be passed out on the couch, as he usually was. But no. Gabe was up and running, waiting for his stepson.

As soon as Percy stepped into the apartment, Gabe grabbed his throat and threw him against the wall, causing an old wound to open. Gabe slapped him and then grabbed his wine, chugging it down.

   "Leave," He ordered.

   "What?" Percy asked, slightly confused.

   Gabe punched him with such force, he was sure there would be a bruise. "Do something valuable with your life. Find a job!"

   "Okay," Percy got up to leave. "If you stop wasting my money." He mumbled.

   "What was that?"


Percy shut the door behind him.  He heard a wine glass bottle hit the headboard, that was probably supposed to hit him.

He walked down the streets of Fifth Avenue. Percy was bleeding everywhere. He could feel himself losing consciousness. Somehow, he found himself in an alleyway.

   "Ho—" Percy didn't get to finish, before his vision went pitch black.


       Peter Parker was strolling around Fifth Avenue, not having anything to do. He was supposed to be at his parents' house, but he decided on better things. Like what? Like trying to find any threats to the state. Surely the Avengers would treat him like an adult. Even if he was a teen.

Somehow, Peter found himself in an alleyway. He was about to leave, when he saw a kid, about his age, collapsed on the ground.

   Peter tapped his mic that was hidden in his ear. "Peter to Avengers? Are you guys listening?"

   "Yes Peter, we can hear from you. What's wrong?" A voice came on, who was Tony Stark.

   "I found this kid in an alleyway," He informed.

   "Was he doing anything bad?" Tony asked.

   "No. But — "

   "Leave the kid, Peter."

   "He's bleeding out!" Peter burst out. "I'm bringing him in."

   Steve sighed. "Here we go again."

   Peter scoffed. "What is that supposed to mean?"

   "Just bring in the kid," Tony ordered.

And with that, Peter pulled up his suit — turning into Spiderman. He ran to the kid that was laying in a pool of his own blood. Peter quickly slung the teen over his shoulders and used his webs to get to the Stark Towers. 

Finally, Peter reached the Stark Towers. He burst in and ran to the medical lab, where he was sure Bruce was staying. Surprisingly, he found all of the Avengers waiting for him.

   "This kid better be special," Tony muttered.

   "Fix him, Bruce!" Peter yelled, and placed the green-eyed boy on the medical bed.

   "I believe the correct term is healing but alright," Bruce corrected and quickly got to work.

   "Will he be okay?" Peter asked, pacing around the medical room.

   Steve sighed. "Peter, how many times have we told you to stop bringing in random teens?"

   Peter shrugged.

   "Okay, someone has to help me take off this kids shirt," Bruce said.

The Avengers stood in front of the bed while Tony and Bruce took off the boy's shirt. Once it was off, everyone stopped, staring at the scars on his body.

   Bruce turned to Peter. "Do you think it's...?" He trailed off.

   "I don't know," Peter said.

   "Hello, my friends! I am back!" Thor thundered as he walked in. He stopped and stared at the boy on the bed. "Is that... Perseus Jackson?"

   "Who's Perseus Jackson?" Natasha asked.

   "He is a legend in Asgard. The gods tell stories about his adventures. It is an honor to meet a hero like him," Thor said, eyeing Percy.

   "Huh," Tony said, seemingly at loss for words.

   "What happened to him?" Thor asked.

   "I found him in an alleyway, bleeding out," Peter informed.

   "Where does he live?" Clint asked.

   "Not sure," Peter said. "Although, I think he lives on Fifth Avenue."

   "Uh-huh," Clint muttered.

   "How's the kid, Bruce?" Tony asked.

   "He's all healed. Not sure when he'll wake up," Bruce said.

   "Give Perseus some privacy," Thor said and shooed everyone but Bruce out.


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