11. Arcade time!

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   The Avengers, plus Fury, Loki, and Percy, were out at the front lawn, getting bombarded by crowds of cameras.

Natasha and Clint were on the most boring mission. It pleased Percy that they were "enjoying" their time.

But Percy was panicking. Every since that god, Jake, had kidnapped him, he felt sensitive at everything. He was afraid Jake would find him again.

   "Are you okay?" Loki asked, guiding Percy through the crowd.

   "Yeah," Percy lied. "I'm fine."

   Loki didn't look convinced. "We will talk about this later."

Percy took a deep breath as they sat in the black limo. Percy tried his best to put on a happy smile, but inside, he was on the verge of screaming.

   "Don't worry, Perce," Peter told him, grinning. "It'll be okay." Percy smiled.

Percy was glad Peter was with him. He was the only one who actually ever cared about Percy. He had a quirkiness that made Percy laugh is ass off every time. And Peter was a teen, just like Percy, so they related a lot.


   "Helllooo? Percy? Peercyyy," Peter called, waving a hand infront of him.

   Percy snapped out of his thoughts and turned to him. "Are we here?"

   "Why else would I wave my hand?"

   Percy rolled his eyes. "Let's just go."

They all stepped out of the car and headed to the 'Las Vages Casino'.
As they reached the arcade and went inside, they were blinded by lights.

   "What is this? My hearing has gone mad!" Loki complained, covering his ears.

   "Its called an arcade, Loki."

   Fury suddenly appeared and handed them ten tokens. "Play as much games as you like."

   "Games? What Games?" Thor was beyond confused.

   "Thor, what did you think an arcade was?" Peter asked.

   "Magic portal! Where you mortals attempt to do real 'magic'," Thor said.

Both Peter and Percy burst out laughing. They left, muttering and whispering together.

   "Those two would be a good couple," Fury said.

   "Yeah. Wait what?" Tony abruptly turned his head to him.

   "No, they would not!" Loki yelled.

   "Loki, for fucks sake, calm down," Tony tried, annoyed.

   "Are we going to play or not?" Steve asked.

   "I'm going!" Bruce ran to play 'Temple run'.

   Tony rolled his eyes. "Out of all the games, he chooses that one."

The Avengers both split ways, Steve and Tony, Fury alone, and the Norse gods having absolutely no idea what to do.


   "Oh yeah!" Percy yelled in excitement, receiving twenty tickets from the machine.

   "Your luck is gooodd," Peter said.

By now, the both of them had collected one hundred tickets. They each had only one more token to play.

   "Wanna try that spiny, luck thingy?" Peter asked, looking at the machine.

   "The what?" Percy followed his gaze. "Ohhhhh. Of course! Let's go."

They both ran over to the machine. The machine was a circle, with different numbers on it and a little arrow indicating how much you would get. There were small, circular, lights at each number and once you pulled the lever to start it, one light starts moving from each number at an inhumanly speed. There's a big red button that you have to press, and once you do, the light will stop.

   "Dude, we can get a two hundred tickets!" Percy yelled, pointing frantically at the machine.

   "Awesome! I'll go first," Peter informed.

He put in his token and pulled the lever down. The light started moving.

   "Concentrate, Peter," Percy supplied helpfully.

Peter eyed the light as it moved on from different numbers. He punched the red button and the light stopped. It stopped on one hundred. Immediately the tickets began pouring out.

   "Good job!" They both high-fived eachother.

   "Your turn Perce," Peter said, stepping on to the side.

Percy inhaled as he put his last token in. The pulled the lever down and the light began to move. His eyes were frantic, looking from side to side as the light went. Finally, he pushed the button and looked to see what he got. One ticket.

   "That's not fair!" Percy yelled angrily. He punched the machine over and over again.

   "Perce, calm down."

   "Not." He took a breath. "Fair." He took another breath. He kicked his leg at the machine with all his might.

That, was the wrong thing to do.

Water exploded from bathrooms, quickly seeping into the machines and causing fires which the waters washed out.

People were already running out of the casino. Peter took Percy's arm and they both ran out as well. They were greeted by some very angry adults.

   "What happened in there!?" Fury demanded

   "Percy, did you just flood the arcade?" Tony asked.

   "We will never speak of this ever again."

And that, is how the arcade was flooded.


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