3. An asshole

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   "Bruce," Fury said, staring at the scene before him. "why is there an unconscious kid on my floor?"

   "He was freaking out and all I could do to stop him from harming himself was to sedate him," Bruce reported. He shifted Percy from the floor to the bed.

   "I'm taking that the mental test didn't go so well?"

   "Nope," Bruce admitted. "He kept reacting to colors so went with that. Then he flipped out when I mentioned 'red'."

   "Give me the clipboard," Fury said and stretched out his hand.

Bruce handed him the clipboard for the mental test. Fury began flipping through the papers.

   "We have a meeting right now. All the Avengers are there," Fury announced, and walked out the door.


      "Okay," Fury began, sitting at the head of the table. "I need the results."

   Tony handed him the transcript. "Here."

   "Steve?" Fury asked.

   "That kid is crazy strong. He beat me! Ten out of one. Can you believ— "

   "Yes, yes," Fury cut off. Inside, he was freaking out. How can a kid be stronger than Steve?!

   "So, Percy has ADHD and is dyslexic," Bruce explained. "I told him some words, he started panicking when I said, 'cookies' and then he flipped out when I said, 'red'. He's not mentally stable." Bruce asked.

A knock came on the door.

   "Yes?" Fury called.

A green-eyed boy entered the room.

   "Hey guys," Percy greeted.

   "Hello, Perseus," Thor greeted back.

   "Um...?" Fury trailed off, raising an eyebrow to Percy like; what are you doing here?

   "I'm here to tell you about my, erm, past I guess?" Percy said, quite unsure.

   "Good, we need every information," Fury said.

   "First, you guys know Greek Mythology right?" Percy asked.

   Peter perked up. "Oh yeah! We learned that in school once."

   "Right. So, sometimes those gods have affairs with mortals and have children. The correct term is a demigod."

   Tony's jaw dropped. "You mean, you're a gods kid?"

   "Wait, so they plant eggs in you or...?" Peter asked.

   "Please," Bruce pleaded Peter. "You make no sense. How would a God plant eggs in Percy?!"


   "Poseidon is my dad, so I can control water, blood, poison, basically anything with water in it," Percy explained, ignoring the two.

Percy and the Avengers Where stories live. Discover now