10. Would you come?

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   Percy never came out of his room for weeks. He never came to missions, nor to eat, and nor to play.

Peter was the only one trying to visit Percy as much as possible, but Percy keeps rejecting him.

   "Why isn't Percy coming out? You think there's something wrong?" Peter asked, pacing around the room.

   Tony sighed. He was actually getting more concerned now. "We don't know."

   Bruce smirked. "I have an idea," he muttered. "JARVIS, show us the footage from the camera in Percy's room."

   "I'm sorry, sir, but Percy has ordered me not to and has shut down the camera."

   The Avengers froze. "What...?" Clint asked, stunned.

   "We need to go check up on him," a voice called.

   "Fury, for god's sake, stop sneaking up on us!" Tony yelled.

   "I agree with Directer Fury," Thor said.

   "Good. It's decided then. Let's go."

Natasha, the person who actually hated Percy, grumbled. But nevertheless, she walked with them. 

Once they made it, Peter knocked on the door. No answer. Peter knocked twice.

   "Percy, you have to answer me," Peter called.

   "What do you want?" Percy asked. His voice was low and gruffy, as if he'd been crying all day.

   "Perseus Jackson," Thor thundered. "If you do not open this door, I will rip it off."

The sounds of feet shuffling towards the door could be heard. The door opened to show Percy and only Percy. He kept the door slightly open so that they wouldn't see his room.

His eyes almost seemed gray. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes were red and looked swollen. His nose was puffy. And his cheeks had tear stains that looked recent.

Percy raised an eyebrow, in no mood to talk.

   "Perseus, what happened?" Loki asked, stepping forward. Peter shot him a glare.

   "Get away from me," Percy growled. Loki stepped back in shock.

   "Percy, give him a break," Natasha said.

   "Oh I'm sorry, did I seem too spoiled?" Percy hissed. The Avengers froze.

   "Um, Percy—" Natasha was cut off.

   "What?!" Percy demanded. His eyes were furious. "If you wanted to kick me out so bad, then do it!"

By now tears were forming his eyes again. Peter was angry. Very angry.

   "Perseus..." Loki started. "We are most sorry."

   "Oh yeah? Or maybe you agree with Natasha?!" Percy yelled. He lowered his head. "You guys should just leave me alone," He spoke softly.

Percy and the Avengers حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن