9. The hate you give

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   "Percy!" Tony shrieked and ran towards him, enveloping him in a hug.

   Percy winced. "No hugs please."

   Tony pulled away and held Percy at arms length. Percy had tear stains on his cheeks. "What happened?" Tony asked.

   "Loki's a bitch," Percy muttered, shoving Tony's hands away.

   "Language!" Steve scolded.

   Tony growled. "I'm going to kill that fucker! What did he do!?"

   Steve rolled his eyes. "Langua—"

   "We get it! Language! Just shut the fuck up!" Percy screamed. The Avengers looked at him in suprise.

   "Percy—" Peter started.

   Percy looked at the floor. "Just leave me alone." He walked away and back to his room.

   Natasha frowned. "What's up with him?"

   Bruce shrugged. "Probably stressed."

   "Or Loki," Tony hissed. "I'm going to throw that god—"

   "Tony Stark!" Thor boomed. "Loki is my brother. I will deal with him."

   "Whatever you say, big guy."


   Percy locked the door and plopped himself on the bed. He stretched out his limbs. Tears began overflowing his face.

If maybe you weren't so weak. Even Loki thinks so. Loki. You're weak. You were never strong from the beginning. Now Peter is getting yelled at, and Tony might throw you to the streets.

Percy screamed into his pillow. Soon, self-hatred began to choke him... and his consciousness. And Percy was gone — drifting off to the empty darkness.

It wasn't a few hours later until Percy was covered in scratches. His fingers clawed on his skin and hair, pulling them apart.

The voices in his head were too much. Too much for him to handle. If only he had Annabeth...

He rummaged around in his pocket, searching. His fingers touched a smooth, round, coin. He willed water to form an oval shape. A rainbow flickered on the water. Percy threw the coin.

   "Oh Iris, please accept my offering. Call Annabeth Chase from Camp Half Blood," Percy said.

The water stayed still before a friendly face came up on the water. Annabeth smiled at Percy and waved her hand.

   "Percy—!" Annabeth frowned. "Are you okay?"

   "No... not really," Percy admitted, pulling his knees to his chest.

   "What's wrong, Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth asked.

   "It's a long story — a story I don't want to talk about. I just... I wanted to talk to you."

Percy and the Avengers حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن