17. Movie jealousy

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Thanks to DepressedChild1
for giving me this story idea!


   It was currently three in the morning. Peter was bored. He decided if anyone would be awake at this time, it would be Percy.

Ah, Percy.

Peter loved that guy. Maybe even more than he admits. He's prefect. Tall, green eyes, beautiful eyelashes, handsome features, strong muscles, and definitely a gentleman. Peter imagined if Percy would dat—

He shook the thought out of his mind. Percy was not gay.

As he walked over to Percy's room, he noticed the lights were on and that there was chatter.

Peter opened the door and peeked through. The scene infront of him made his stomach churn.

Loki and Percy were on the floor, cross-legged, playing Uno, and Percy giggling like a maniac.

If Loki saw Peter, he showed no sign of it.

It was only after a while did Percy notice Peter.

   "Peter! What are you doing up?" Percy asked, turning his head to the door.

   "I was just bored, y'know," Peter answered.

   "Go to sleep, child," Loki commanded.

   "I'm not tired," Peter whined.

   "I said—"

   "Peter you can come play Uno with us!" Percy suggested, patting an empty place on the floor for him.

Peter heard Loki growl, but he did what Percy said.

   Percy chuckled. "It took so long to teach Loki! It was hilarious."

   "I bet it was," Peter mumbled.

   Percy picked up the deck of Uno cards. "Here Loki, you can shuffle them."

   "Actually, I can do it," Peter supplied.

   "You need not to—" Loki was interrupted.

   Percy handed Peter the deck of cards. "Here you go, Peter."

All night long, Loki only had one emotion, and that was glaring at Peter.

Percy didn't seem to notice.

Peter glared back. They seemed to be having a silent arguement.

   Percy yawned and stretched out his limbs on the floor. "Can we go to sleep?"

   "Of course," both Peter and Loki said at the same time. They glared more at eachother.

   "Go to sleep," Loki told Peter.


   "I am not repeating myself."

Peter quickly took his leave. He glanced back and saw Loki placing a sleeping Percy on the bed.

Percy and the Avengers Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon