8. Loki saves the day

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   If Percy could've sighed in relief at that moment, he would have.

   "L-lo-lo..." Percy couldn't finish his name. But it drew Loki's attention to him. Loki's eyes blazed with uncontrollable fire as he met Percy's.

   "You..." Loki growled, a low gurgling sound from his throat. He charged forwards, slamming the man into the concrete wall with unbelieveble force. The god screamed as his golden Ichor blood tainted the grey wall.

   "Stop brother! By the Midgardian law, you can not kill this measly god!" Thor said, charging in.

Tony grumbled in anger as he cuffed the man who was losing both blood and consciousness. He passed the man off to Natasha.

   "I have no sympathy for you. If you pass out, I'm dragging you by your fingers," Natasha said.

Loki was quick to hoist the trembling teen into his arms. He frowned at how hot Percy's skin was.

Percy writhed in Loki's grasp. As much as it felt to feel safe again, Loki's body heat was too hot for him.

   "Too hot. He gave me a drug," Percy whined. Loki stared at him, feeling useless.

But there was one thing he could do. Loki's eyes flashed blue as he began turning blue. Percy stopped struggling and let out a sigh of relief, the cold seeping through Loki's skin.

   "Holy shit, Loki! You look like a Smurf!" Tony teased. Loki wanted to snap at him to shut up, but he needed to focus on his main task.

   "Leave him be, Tony Stark," Thor said softly.


   "We can't let Percy stay in that condition over night," Bruce pointed out.

   "I will treat him," Loki spoke up.

   Tony snorted. "Yeah right."

   "He has no obejections," Loki stated, hoping Percy would agree. He stayed silent. How helpful.

   "Quit arguing and just let the god do it. If anything happens we have more of an excuse to punish him," Another man said from the corner of the room.

   "Holy shit! Since when did you get here?" Tony asked.

   "I've always been here. Open your eyes, Stark," Fury said.

   "Whatever," Tony huffed and crossed his arms like a child.

   "Is Percy going to be okay!?" Peter asked frantically, flinging his arms around.

   "If it was not for you, maybe Perseus would not be in this situation!" Loki hissed.


   "It is all your fault, you foolish scum!" Loki was on the verge of screaming. He was producing a deadly green aura.

  "Loki!" Tony yelled. "Stop yelling at Peter. It wasn't his fault!"

   "Get out," Loki said sternly.

    "No," Tony said just as angry as him. They were now both glaring at eachother.

   "Have it your way then." Loki swooped up Percy and in an instant, disappeared.

   "Where the hell did he go?!" Natasha demanded.

   Tony growled. "We'll deal with Loki later."


   Loki gently placed Percy on the soft bedsheets of his bed. He placed two fingers on Percy's forehead and closed his eyes in concentration.

   Percy groaned. "Loki?" Loki opened his eyes. "Loki!" Percy hugged Loki tightly. "Thank you."

   "Your welcome, Perseus," Loki said, patting him on the back. Percy flinched at his full name.

Loki frowned. Percy was trembling in his arms. He felt something wet touch his shoulder. It was at that moment that he realized Percy was crying.

   "Crying is for the weak," Loki blurted out. As soon as those words escaped his mouth, He immediately regretted it.

   Percy pulled away, his green eyes filled with tears, and wiped them with his palm. "Right," He mumbled before getting up and leaving.

Loki cursed himself. He wasn't used to affection. He was cold and heartless. He ran after Percy, hoping to apologize before Stark kills him.

Suddenly, Loki bumped into something. He groaned and looked at the person on the floor.

   "Perseus!" Loki tried for a smile. "I am so—"

   "Loki," Percy started, his face angry. "Shut the fuck up."


Boom! Also, please read this!

Has anyone watched voltron? I swear I'm about to cry skduihejebesns. I may or may not be writing a klance story ;)

Anywho, sorry this chapter is so short. I might leave somewhere and I won't have internet for a while so... yeet.

Percy and the Avengers Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant