4. Enjoying company

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      Tony had told Percy to go bring some coffee, specifically from Starbucks. Despite actually having his own coffee machine, Tony was adamant on having the coffee from Starbucks.

Percy was already walking to the Stark Towers with the coffee in his hands, when it the sky opened up and started bucketing down with rain. Of course this didn't affect him. The droplets were rolling down his body, but he was not wet.

The problem was the coffee. Because nobody wants a soggy coffee cup, right? Percy willed the droplets to roll off the coffee cup, not allowing a single droplet to touch the cup. Percy walked in the Stark Tower.

   "God kid, what happened?" Gods, Percy corrected in his mind.

   "It's raining, or did you fail to notice that?" Percy said blankly, handing him the coffee.

   "Yes! And it's still dry!" Tony snatched the coffee. "You're a miracle worker kid!"

   Percy rolled his eyes. "Your welcome."

   Tony looked at him and frowned. "How are you not wet?"

   "Poseidon remember?" He reminded.

   "Right. Well, you can do whatever you want. I gotta go," Tony said and left.

Percy sighed and started pacing around the room. What would he do? Suddenly his eyes lit up. He knew exactly where he wanted to go. But first, Percy needed to grab some food.

   Percy looked around. "Kitchen, kitchen...kitchen..." He sighed in frustration. "Oh! Hey JAVRIS?"

   "Yes sir?"

   Percy grimaced. "Call me Percy."

   "Okay Percy."

   "How do I reach the kitchen?"

   "Walk in the hallway at your right, take two lefts, down the stairs, and take another left."

    "Thank you!" Percy thanked and followed the instructions.

After a lot of getting lost, Percy found himself at the kitchen. Suprisingly, nobody was there. Probably busy. He went to the fridge and started rummaging inside. He found some left over pancakes. This would do just fine.

He microwaved the pancakes and then left to his destination.


      Percy finally made it to his destination. He knocked the guards unconscious and walked in to the room. There sat his new friend, waiting patiently for him.

   "Cowabunga, dude!" Percy greeted happily and sat crossed legged in front of the cell.

   "Hello," Loki greeted back. "And cowa—what was it?"

Loki was unfamiliar of that word. What in Norns name is cowabunga?

Truth be told, Loki enjoyed Percy's presence. Of course Loki would never admit that. His only company was this demigod. Yes, demigod. After asking some guards about the teen, he finally got answers. Apparently the kid is a son of Poseidon. Interesting.

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