15. Happy Birthday! (Part 1)

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   The Avengers, the two gods, and Fury were at the party room. Of course, Tony was late as usual.

   "Where is Tony?" Natasha hissed. "I'm going to kill him."

As if on cue, Tony walked in, brushing out his suit.

   "Mr Stark, there's nothing on your suit," Peter commented.

   Tony grinned and patted Peter's back. "It's called style, Peter. Now is Percy up?"

   "No. We were waiting for you," Steve said accusingly.


   Natasha checked her watch. "Anddd, one p.m! Finally!"

   "JARVIS, wake Percy up," Tony ordered.

   "Yes sir."

   "Loki, do you have everything ready?" Wanda asked. Loki nodded.

   "Okay everyone, places!" Steve yelled.

   "Do we really have to do this?" Fury asked.

   "Yes, now hide!"

They all went under the tables, behind balloons, behind curtains, and under couches.


   Percy was asleep. He was very comfortable since he didn't even dream about anything. Shocking right? But of course, happy things can't last long for him as he was awoken by JARVIS.

   "Percy?" Percy groaned in response. "You must get up, Percy."

   "Let me be!" Percy yelled and covered his face with his pillow.

   "I am very sorry for doing this, but Mr Stark has demanded it."

   "Do what —?" Alarms started blaring from every direction. Percy groaned again. "Fine! I'll get up."

The alarms finally stopped and Percy got up cursing everyone he knew.

   "What am I supposed to do?" He muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a huge shell appeared at the doorway. Percy accidentally stepped on it.

   "Ow!" Percy exclaimed. He reached down to inspect the object. "Huh, a shell," He muttered. "Oh well."

He threw it on his bed and walked out of his room. As he was taking his next step, he stepped on a sharp, green gem.

   "Are you kidding me?!"

Percy continued walking, ignoring the gem that appeared. As he was strolling through a hallway, he felt his pocket get lighter. He instinctively reached to his pocket, but he couldn't find his sword.

   Percy looked down and saw his pen on the floor. "What the...?"

He reached down to pick it up but he just flopped away. Percy kept following it, determined to get back his valuable item. The pen stopped infront of a door. Percy snatched his pen before it could teleport away. As he bent back up, he hit his head on a door knob.

Before Percy could even figure out what was going on, a black trash bag was placed on his head, covering his face.

   "Great," Percy muttered sarcastically. "I'm getting kidnapped."

Once the bag was removed from his head, Percy found himself in a room which looked decorated for a birthday. Did I forget somebody's birthday? Suddenly, all the Avengers popped up from random places.

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