Chapter 10: Blos•som

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To flourish, bloom


Contains sexual content

Chapter 10
April 29th 1943
Surrey, England

"Harry Edward Styles." Tomlinson firmly called out as he slammed his office door behind him; walking in.

Harry stood up abruptly from one of the desk chairs, innocently grinning up to his scolding Corporal like a guilty student who'd been caught by his headmaster, picking a fight.

"Louis I can explain-" He began but Louis just shook his head, cutting him off.

"What the hell has gotten into you? You've never been so violent before. I thought Payno and you were mates." questioned Tomlinson in utter astonishment by Harry's sudden actions from the course.

The curly headed boy sighed with a grimace, deciding to be honest with his boyfriend. "Liam made a dick move on my closest mate, Zayn."

Louis furrowed his brows in confusion. "What did he do?"

Harry avoided eye contact for a short moment as he ran his long fingers through his neatly cut curly brown hair. "You'll be a bit shocked by's funny really." He breathlessly laughed. "Not really actually."

The Corporal stared at him only urging him to proceed, with his silence.

His young boyfriend's anxious emerald orbs lifted up. "Zayn is-he's-you know." He nibbled his lip shyly trying to push out the obvious fact—I mean Louis was gay so like he'd care but still it was Zayn's secret and it felt wrong telling it without his permission.

Louis stood there impatiently gesturing his head slightly to get Harry to spill it.

"Like us." Harry practically whispered into the air.

His Corporal standing at the door could barely hear Harry's whisper from that small of a distance between.


Harry let out a heavy huff before raising his voice and speaking yet again. "Zaynisgay." he scrambled out quickly in one breath.

Louis stepped back in shock. "He's-wow." He scratched his chin, connecting all the dots from all the times he's encountered Zayn and the odd mannerisms he had once noticed but shrugged off.  It all seemed to make a lot more sense to him now. But how?

"So-" he removed his hand from his chin and looked back to Harry with curious eyes. "What happened with Liam and Zayn?"

Now since Louis had a bit of the jist about Zayn being gay, Harry found it much easier to go on and talk about Zayn's unfortunate situation without a problem.

"Zayn has had a crush on Liam ever since we arrived here. Course he was a twat about it, always denying it but Liam, I think figured it out and he began leading Zayn on like a proper dick. Zayn was so confused and was having trouble believing Liam actually liked he decided to come out to Liam and confess his feelings but Liam teased him by kissing him and then ran off. Zayn reached a low and he was crying and condemning himself-" A tear began rolling down Harry's cheek as he recalled the moment.

" Zayn has stopped eating and he's been so out of it. He claims he's fine and has let Liam go but—that asshole just didn't stop. Just today Liam told James Arthur about Zayn's sexuality and well you saw what happened. I've had enough of Liam's shit! So I decided to pay him a visit and give him a little warning as you witnessed." His eyes were then dark and full of everything but regret. "Say what you want but Zayn's like my big brother! Him and I share that sinful forbidden trait. I'm the only one who understands him! Anyone messes with my brother you bet your ass I'd go and-"

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