Chapter 16

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"Sweet heart did you know about it" my mum turned to ask me, the shock, the hurt and betrayal on her face was too much for me to bare.

The tears wouldn't stop coming, from when I open  my mouth to talk it only hiccups and sobs that comes out.

Chris was rubbing my back to keep me calm. This too much for a night. I can't take this all. Been accused for something you didn't do is the worst feeling ever.

My mum and every one was looking at me, waiting for me to reply them but I couldn't talk pcause I have seen the answer on their faces they won't even believe me when I tell them.

What the use in me defending my self from my own parents and in-laws.

"See I told you, Lina you have a selfish daughter there. She doesn't care who she hurts to get her way with. She even deceived my poor son, thinking it was the other twin he was marry." Caro said looking at me with disgust in her eyes.

I turned to look at my parents but the disappointment look they where giving me was too much for me to bear.

Chris hasn't said anything, I wonder why. Now it the world against me now. No body to fight along side me but my self.

I stood up to go to our bed room but I felt a little dizzy, my eyes blurry. I took the first step and stumbled.

Chris was by my side instantly, my parents where on their feet's. But I raised my hand stopping all of them from coming closer.

When I needed them the most they weren't there. They choose not to believe me. They know me well enough so why believe a stranger over their own daughter

I silently walk towards our bedroom but the last thing I heard where my parent's screaming and me falling down fast but Chris was able to get to me before my head hit the floor.


Chris POV

I was boiling with rage when mum was accusing Emery. But mums points are pretty good. So torn in this dilemma

If I take sides with my mum Emery will accuse me siding with my mum and if I should side with Emery mum will accuse me.

I really feel bad for getting Emery into this bad situation, I should have explained everything to mum since dad knows about it.

I couldn't look at Emery in the eye, the hurt, the betrayal was so clear in her eyes. Why do I feel this all my fault.

I feel bad for yelling at mum but she kinda of deserves it. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Emery has stood up until I didn't feel her warmth around my body.

She is so drained and sad and it breaks my heart seeing her like that. I failed her as a husband that I can't deny.

She stumbled a bit I was right by her side so where her parents but she raised a hand halting us in our movement.

I was hurt with her actions but I need to understand she is hurting more than I am. Your own twin and blood looking for your down fall.

Emery walked slowly towards our bed room but she began to fall if not for my sharp reflexes she would have hurt herself.

I was quick enough to hold her head before she could cause any damage to it. She looked me in the eye with those sorrowful eyes before they closed.

I immediately called the family doctor, still the paparazzi and reporters are outside. It will be a different scandal if they see the doctor here talking of an ambulance.

She gave me directions on how to help Emery before she arrives. I asked Emery mum to run her forehead with the wet towel I'm getting the alcohol.

"Why do you care so much about here, after all she did to you" I didn't know my mum has joined me inside.

"Mum she is my wife and you need to respect that fact,  she lied on our wedding day just to save me from embarrassment. So what is the crime in this." I walked out on my mum and re entered our bedroom, a relief sigh left my lips when I saw Emery been assisted by her mum to drink water.

So tell me did you like the chapter. I made Chris POV how did you like it

What wrong with Chris mum she is getting on my nerves

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