Chapter 1

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"Beta when will you come back home? Its been five years." I saw the sadness in my dad's eyes. For the past 5 years, Skype was the only way to see my parents. It's not like I don't miss them, it's just I knew what it was like growing up always being financially tight and I know growing back to Dheli would mean my parents would start looking for possible suitors for my marriage. Which I am not ready for AT ALL! I want to be settled first, I want to make money, I want to make a living here. I also have no interest in marriage. I mean come on all boys are the same. They start off all nice and cute and friendly but then they become these possessive, egoistic, rude pigs.

Okay so I am basing some of my judgment on my past, but hey its a common trend I see.

"I'll be back soon paa. Where is maa?"

"She is gone shopping, blowing all of my money" he rolled his eye. I laughed this was their daily argument.

"Ok paa you enjoy I'll talk to you later I have to leave for Dr.Smith's clinic. Bye, I love you."

"Bye beta have fun, be safe"

"Of course"

He smiled and ended the call and I started getting ready for work.

I walked out of my small apartment and took the bus to work. At work, I started doing some paperwork for some new clients when the phone rang.

"Hello Dr.Smith's office"

"Good morning, I am looking to speak with Dr.Smith please"

"He's not in yet, can I take a message?"

"Yes, please tell him that I am the coach of the Indian Cricket team and I want Dr.Smith to be my team's physiotherapist. I wanted to know his availabilities."

The Indian cricket team!! OMG OMG OMG! Calm down Jasmin, be professional I told my self.

"Sure, I will definitely let him know"

With that, I ended the call.

That one phone called changed my life forever, in ways I could never imagine.

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