Chapter 61

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I asked the LORD about the problem with the lukewarm church:

They do not pursue ME as their FIRST LOVE."

• Revelation 2:4 (KJV): Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy FIRST LOVE.

They do not hold ME in a place of honor in their hearts

• Deuteronomy 13:3 (KJV): Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for The LORD your GOD proveth you, to know whether ye love The LORD your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul.

They are irreverent in their treatment of what I consider "HOLY":

MY Holy Name
Leviticus 22:2 (KJV): Speak unto Aaron and to his sons, that they separate themselves from the holy things of the children of Israel, and that they profane not MY Holy Name in those things which they hallow unto ME: I am the LORD.

They are irreverent in their treatment of what I consider "HOLY":

MY Holy Sanctuary:
Leviticus 26:2 (KJV): Ye shall keep MY Sabbaths, and reverence MY Sanctuary: I am the LORD.

They are irreverent in their treatment of what I consider "HOLY":

MY Holy Sabbath
Leviticus 26:2 (KJV): Ye shall keep MY Sabbaths, and reverence MY Sanctuary: I am the LORD.

They are irreverent in their treatment of what I consider "HOLY":

MY Holy Laws
Matthew 5:17 (KJV): Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

They are irreverent in their treatment of what I consider "HOLY":
• MY Holy Name
• MY Holy Sanctuary
• MY Holy Sabbath
• MY Holy Laws
MY people have turned against that which I consider "HOLY" and have mixed the "HOLY" with the world so the people no longer recognize the "HOLY."

This is the trouble with the people—they lack respect. They are rebellious and want their own ways, their own wills. They want the world, the fleshly. They want to handle evil, look upon evil, touch and feel it, and then to return to ME as if there is no problem in engaging with evil and coming and going from MY Presence as if I will tolerate their loose handling of evil with MY "HOLINESS." This is the desire of the Lukewarm Church: to attempt to handle the "HOLY" and to play with evil."

They give evil a "wink" and their hearts barely blush by the choice of the things they watch and read. They look the other way at evil—no one takes up for the widows and fatherless, the poor and the weak. It's every man for himself: no one cares to pursue his neighbor for ME."

Ezra 9:6 (KJV): And said, O my GOD, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my GOD: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.

The Lukewarm Church does not value MY Laws and Ways. I extend grace, but MY Grace does not promote adultery, lust, and the pursuit of idol worship. The church believes that grace is easy access between evil and GOD: play with the world freely and have GOD when you need HIM."

This is MY Lukewarm Church: they clutch evil in one hand and attempt to clutch ME in the other. They fool themselves. They are only clutching evil...because I am an ALL or nothing GOD and those who cling to the world and pursue ME will be disappointed when they stand before ME. I will tell them to depart from ME. They will learn then what their tepid belief in ME means to ME."

"They are looking under every rock for answers. But I have ALL the answers. I am The ONE who can cure all their ills..."

Transcript from the Prayer in the Presentation "What the Lukewarm Church Won't Tell You" /Presenter: Susan Davis--The LORD's End Times Prophecy Conference--August 16, 2014: Powerpoint Notes provided upon request/

If you are willing—pray with me today:

LORD: I repent of being lukewarm—and chasing after worldly "emptiness."

I repent of having a "lackluster" faith I repent for trusting in the pursuit of the world's answers for my life instead of GOD's Will for my life

I repent for giving my precious GOD-given time to the world instead of MY MAKER WHO gives me my every breath and determines my eternal outcome.

I repent for lusting after the temporal thrill of the world in lieu of pursuing an intimate relationship with my MAKER I repent for being in the Will of the enemy instead of walking in the Will of the Divine.

I repent for arrogantly doing good outside of the Divine Will of GOD and thinking my will is best.

I repent for denying the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT to enter MY LIFE so that I can walk in the WILL of GOD and to conquer sin and pursue holiness.

LORD: I want to be in your DIVINE WILL and not my own I want to possess your HOLY SPIRIT in FULL MEASURE I want to have a FULL OIL LAMP so that when you return for your bride you will see me

I want to pursue holiness and walk in truth

I want to find and stay on the narrow path that few find

I want to be assured a place with you for all eternity

I want to know CHRIST as an intimate friend

I want to experience mental wholeness and stability and live in peace with my MAKER

I open my heart up to you LORD JESUS—be my ALL in All...

And ALL GOD's People say AMEN!

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