chapter 5

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I stared at him with a blank expression.

Matt-" Malia ?"

Malia-" Oh am.. he probably got more genes from Lillia."

Poof im good. Its not my place to say anything. And bassicly i told the truth. In a way.

Saved by the rather loud bang inside the house. Evelynn came in panting, grasping for air. I ran in dropping to the floor beside her.

Malia-" What happened Evelynn ? Slow down. Take a deep breath."

She was having a panic attack. I pulled her closer to me onto my lap. Wrapping my arms around her.

When her visions scare her too much she gets serious panic attacks. Only way to calm her down is like this. Rocking her back and forth.

Once her breath was steady, i lifted up her chin. By then we had quite an audience. Everyone patiently waiting for whats coming next.

Malia-" Okay baby. Tell me what you saw."

I brused through her hair as she clentched her chest. Fear overtook her eyes. Filling inside of her. It hurt me to see her like that.

E-" I-I.. it was.."

Still shaken up, stumbling upon her words.

Malia-" sshh its okay."

Andrew now appeared taking hes sisters fragile body into hes arms. Even though they grew older, they never grew apart.

E-" Death."

Gasps filled the room. Light cries. These were the signs right before panic breaks out. I looked at Matt giving him the look. He knew what to do.

Matt-" Okay everybody please calm down. Go into the hall our luna will soon comfront us."

Everyone started moving out. Now it was just three of us and within minutes Evelynn fully explained what she saw.

Even though every word hurt like a stab i kept it together. Brave face on for her sake.

Making my way into the hall, where thankfully alot of pack members fit. People stepped away, clearly the way for me.

As i reached the stage an arm reached out for me helping me up. Nathan. I grabbed it and got pulled up.

My hands started shaking. Hasnt happened in a long while.

"Luna what kind of death is coming our way !"

"Who will die !"

Malia-" Ye do not have to worry. Death will not be brought upon any of ye. Ye are safe and will continue to be."

The tension was gone. Fear and stress disappeared into thin air.

"Then whos death did Miss. Evelynn see !"

I took a deep breath. Doubtfully i will not regret this. Speaking out infront of everyone. But i was fair to my people and they diserved to know.

Malia-" Mine."

Adelaid Kane as Evelynn ! :')

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