chapter 30

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Okay dont judge me. I know i should'nt of ran away but i couldnt help it.

Malia-" Ellie do you remember our mate ?"

Ellie-" If you dont remember him then obviously i dont either."

Sometimes her tone annoys me. So does her attitude but i have to put up with it. Two days i have been sitting in my room. And whenver someone does knock they have to say who they are.

Ellie-" We have to see him sometime."

Part of me misses Sam. But at the same time i hate him for making me forget, for making me love him.

"Malia get your ass up."

I shot up in my bed as the door swung open nearly breaking off from its frame. Every seemingly charged in with they're arms crossed.

Matt-" You just came back from the dead. Yet your still acting dead."

Malia-" Ha. Ha very funny pretty boy."

Lee crawled from underneath the legs running towards me, tackling me down onto the bed. I laughed when he rolled onto hes back and broke into a fit of giggles as i tickled him.

Lee-" M-Mo-m .. s-sto-op."

Raising my arms in defence i let him catch hes breath. Greyson stood firmly with hes arm around Evelynn.

Malia-" Its good you asked for the honours of being with my daughter. Since what i remember you were a trouble maker."

Hes eyes widened before bowing hes head in defence. My mouth opened to say something but distracted my heavy body on my back. Leaving out a Omph I caught him just in time.

Malia-" Im just joking Young Espinosa."

Eventually people cleared out at the calling of dinner being ready. I sat on the floor reading away on my book. When footsteps filled my ears and soft knocks.

"Malia i know your in there. And you dont want to see me."

Hes voice flowed in through the door. Quitely and softly walking towards the door. I could feel him leaning against the door.

"I just.. i just need to see you. I have been waiting for this for so. Long."

Hope and pain thickly laced around hes words, making a large lump getting stuck in my troath. My heart raced a little with my air not entering in or out.

"I need to see your eyes. I need to feel your touch."

Slowly i lifted my palm on the door knob. Carefully paying attention. Im going to see him. This is the moment..

Finally building up strenght i turned the door knob. Clicking open a slight space appeared before opening it wider.

Hes bright blue eyes suddenly met mine and a wide smile spread across hes face. The only problem there.

I still dont remember.

Guess whos starting yet another story ? Thats right. Me. Cover up there :D Who would like a description ? :)

Thank you for reading.

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