chapter 6

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Nathan-" Are you absolutely crazy ?!"

Nathan has been shouting at me, teaching me lessons for the past fifteen minutes. How could i tell everyone, why not tell him first.

Malia-" Do not use that Alpha tone on me !"

Nathan-" Thats it. Your going into the cellar."

I stared at him wide eyed. He wants to put me into the cellars ?! Me ?! A luna !

Malia-" Are you off your head ! I am not going anywhere !"

Now its an alpha against a alpha. And only one can win.

Nathan-" Im done argueing with you. You will go into the cellars and stay there ! If i have to i will take there in force."

Malia-" I am the Alpha and Luna. I will stand my ground and you are not putting me anywhere !"

Behind hes angry face and black eyes i saw a flash of something completly different. He was proud. Proud that i didnt back down.

He straightned up and crossed hes arms.

Nathan-" Not going down without a fight huh ?"

Malia-" No. And anyway i could use my powers to get out."

We stared at eachother for awhile. When a smirl creeped its way up to hes face. And of course that means he has an idea.

Nathan-" Fight me."

My eyebrows burrowed together. He noticed my confused look.

Nathan-" We fight. No powers of yours. Wolf on wolf."

I relaxed a bit. Tilted my head to the side and squinted my eyes at him. I wonder what the catch is. Im strong enough so i could take him down even without my powers.

Nathan-" Or are you scared because I'll win ? Or because its me ?"

I understand why hes doing this. Why he wants me locked up. But Evelynns visions can take months to full fill.

Malia-" Fight it is so."

I didnt even need to look around to know people are staring at us wide eyed.

Matt-" Malia are you crazy ?! Will you just listen to him ! Your indanger for gods sake !"

Malia-" Shut up Matt."

We went outside. Large crowed gathered to watch the fight of the history.

Well thats an overstatment i guess but the hell.

They're here to watch two of the most powerful Alphas, who are mates, fighting.

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