chapter 28

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"Run Malia !"

I missed Ellie. She would get me out of this before i knew it. Hours have passed with my meeting with Sam. This had to be done quick and clean.

But unfortunately we were caught by people who worked for Sam's dad. Tight grip appeared of my wrist as i scrambled of the floor.

Matt-" Come on babe you can do this. We're nearly there."

I nodded before picking up my speed once again. The old run down cave like tomb finally came into sight so if possible my feet dug into the ground. I wish i could fly.

Malia-" Where is Sam ?!"

Matt-" Malia please we dont have much time."

Digging hes hand into hes pocket, shiny gold compass was stretched out on the palm of hes hand. Slowly placing my hand under hes.

I glanced around hoping to catch Sam in sight or atleased hear hes footsteps. But nothing.

Matt gave me a sorrowful look before turning hes gaze back to the compass. Muttering the words of the spell under my breath the handle started spinning.

Matt-" Lets go home."

Giving him a sad smile i looked to the enterance once more. Hoping he wouldnt be there, a body fell inside.

"Get him !"

Sam-" Goodbye Malia."

Malia-"Sam !!"

But it was too late. I couldnt pull away and try do this some other time. No we were already being dragged into the living world.

Im going to see my mate. What if our connection isnt not strong enough, i might not remember.

I'll see my son. My daughter. Everyone. After four months.

Distracting my thoughts hard surface appeared underneath me and piercing pain shot right through me.

The efforf of moving was hurtful. Instead i just lay there. I'll close my eyes just for a few moments.

'Malia dont close your eyes !"

Just for awhile..

Matts POV.

Everything went great. We're back ! Frantically searching around for Malia. Where is she ?

Her body just layed there on the ground. I could see the struggle of her trying to get up but as if she gave up.

Matt-" Malia dont close your eyes !"

But it was too late. Okay lets try out the mind link.

"Hello can someone hear me ?! Nathan !"

"Matt ? Your back ! Where are ye ? Do you have Malia ?!"

"She fell unconsious im just trying to help her. South woods."

Since i didnt recieve a answer i knew he was already out the door.

Slowly i turned her on her back, slidding my arms under her legs. Carefully lifting her up getting ahead start.

Matt-"Come on baby dont leave me. You can do this."

Mumbling to myself hoping she could hear me. Her arm dangling lifelessly didnt add much help.

But atleased we were home.

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