chapter 33

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I kissed him. Yea dont go all judgemental on me please that i have a mate, husband and all that and hes taken too. But he saved my life several times during the many years we have spend together.

Matt-" I think the sea water has gotten on your head."

Crash-" We shall not speak of this. Ever."

We all agreed and made our way back to the house. When we entered all we heard were screams and furniture smashing.

Malia-" Nathan ! Get down here !"

He ran from the corner, eyes all black and hes chest rising rapidly from anger. Slowly made my way over to him with a innocent smile plastered on my face. Swaying my body, thankfully i have dried of mostly.

Running my finger across hes torso i could feel him suddenly tense up. Eyeing me down suspiciously. Resting my palm on hes chest i ran it around hes neck grabbing a fistful of hes hair bringing him down to me, lightly kissing him and bitting hes lip.

Trailing kissing across hes neck i had to stand on my tiptoes.

Malia-" I remember."

Hes sudden outburst of happiness and excitment was.. suprsing. Hes arms tightly wrapped around my small body and swung me around.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Malia-" Hey Matt ? You wouldnt remember why March 14th is special to us ?"

Matt-" Its a date i was turned baby girl."

So there you have it. I was stuck in the day where i was hurt and angered the most through my years of knowing that blondie. He was stuck with me since the day we met at the store.

I changed from the towns bad girl into the Alphas daughter and then kidnapped, bonded to another Alpha.

Through hes own death. Actually he died several times. Through our unfortunate curse all the way to getting me out of hell and bringing me back life. Cant forget the time i decided to kiss him after one more time i nearly died.

And i can promise you it wasent the last time. Last time near my death of course. Me and him are now family since our kids are mates. Quite strange if you ask me but our special bond never vanished away.

Me and Nathan valued eachothers company a bit more after the time i forgot him. Talking about that i never saw Sam again so he never got out. But im sure i'll see him soon again since im getting old.

We have three wonderful grandchildren. Felicity and Damien are Evelynns kids. Felicty looks exactly like her and Damien on the other hand is the split image of Greyson (hes a devil too.)

Cant forget about little Aiden being Lee's son. And of course the two twins who are on the way.

I didnt have anymore kids since two were enough for me. The family has grown, Crash's kids are friends with ours. Everyone just bonded. We are all family.

Through my life i went through alot. After all nobody gets a two way ticket to hell and back. But i thank the people around me for being by my side at all times.

Now im lying in my own death bed.

Just kidding still alive and well.

This is officially the last chapter ! The endinf journey of Matt and Malia. There is a closure so i hope ye like it. Thank you so much for reading.
Collage of entire cast in the media box :')

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