chapter 11

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Unknown POV.

"I told you she'll go fighting for her pack. You know what to do."

Giving a last nod to my boss i focused on The Luna/ Alpha whatever she was.

"Make her think shes drowing. But first the sharp head pain."

Malias POV.

I continued screaming as my knees dropped to the ground. Someone was getting in my head.

My screams stopped as water started filling up my mouth. Blocking me from air. Slowly taking over my body. The light soon disappeared and i was swallowed by darkness.

Malia-" Dad ?"

Dad-" My dear Malia."

Tears appeared in my eyes as my father stood infront of me. Running at him pulling my arms around him.

Malia-" Am i dead daddy ?"

He pulled away sorrow creeping into hes eyes. Thats when i knew my time was over.

Malia-" Why now ? I have a son. Your grandson dad."

Dad-" I know Baby. I watched you all the time. But it was decided your time has come."

Atleased i got to say my goodbyes ? I dont even want to know how Nathan will react. No everyone actually.

Malia-" So is this the so called heaven ?"

Hes face scrunched up like he was hiding something. Or was struggling to say.

Dad-" Your actually not going to.. heaven. Or the good side."

Malia-" Where am i going so ?"

There was a pause. So its actually not called heaven. Good.

Dad-" Hell."

As the word left hes mouth the ground beneath me seemed to open as i started falling down. Cliché i know.

I met a hard surface, landing pretty hard. Groaning and growling in pain i slowly stood up rubbing my butt.

"Welcome to the infamous hell."

Finally taking a moment to look around two girls stood before me. To hell but this place looks good. No pun intended.

It looked like a little town. Trees, shops all that stuff.

Malia-" Damm hell looks better than expected."

"Yea i guess it could be worse. Come on I'll show you around."

This girl is way too sweet. Why would she be here ?

"Im Vicky and thats megan by the way."

Lets get this hell started.

Chapter is short sorry guys ! But i decided to publish my new story Princess of the dark so if ye'd like go check it out :)

Thank you for reading.

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