chapter 23

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I was so worn out i did not feel like talking to Matt. Sure ofcourse i missed him like crazy but i just do not have energy.

Malia-" Matt please i beg you im extremly tired. I dont feel well can we talk later ?"

Matt-" No malia. This is serious !"

Hes voice was angry and cold. From the many years i have known him, never have i heard him so angry. I sighed and continued walking after him.

The hallways were dark. The only lights were coming from under the doors. My head jerked behind me at the sound of footsteps.

But no one was there. Shaking it off im probably just paranoid. Few moments of silence have passed. That is until i came to a stop.

Bright, two red dots appeared in the distance before me. I froze in fear, as they started coming closer.

Matt-" Malia come on."

Leaving hes words wash straight over me. Making out the fact it was a tall person. Rather a very tall person with their eyes glowing red.

Out of nowhere my feet took off carrying me through the halls out of the building. I wasent sure where i was going but far from that thing.

Out of breath i finally came to a stop in the woods. Well it was actually a smaller version of the woods.


Everything was dark. My eyes slowly adjusting to the dark i could only see the trees all around me. I spun in all directions in search of where the voice was coming from.

Out from behind the trees stepped out the same man figuer i ran away from.

My heart tumped against my chest as my breathing picked up speed.

Malia-" Your not real. Your not real. Just my fear."

Shutting my eyes tightly shut, i refused to believe this. Hes just from my fears. But why would he be my fear ? Everything seemed quite so i opened my eyes.

At that moment i regretted it. My air got hitched in my troath. Hes body was so close my mine i felt a little uncomfortable.

Hes eyes stared deeply into mine. Yet i couldnt read anything from them. Tilting my head back so i could study hes face.

Sharp features, black hair. There was something unique about him, but i couldnt place it. He had a mysterious look. To my suprise i wasent as scared. I didnt leave out a sharp piercing scream at the sight of him.

"Save yourself."

At that he disappeared. Taking in a sharp intake of air i didnt know i was holding. Collapsing to ground i didnt meet a hard cold floor.

Instead i was held up by large softness.


Wrapping my arms around hes large neck, burrowing my face into hes soft thick fur. Hes steady heartbeat beneath calmed me down.

Who was that man ? I have this strange feeling about him, yet it wasent exactly fear. Yes partly it was, after all he was following me but i felt like i knew him. But didnt recognise him.

Bad girl, Good boy - SequelWhere stories live. Discover now