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after the final bell of the day rang, i was beyond ready to go to mikes house. this was going to be the first time that i would see everyone in over a year. plus, now that i have met suzie, i feel a lot better about myself because i met a friend.

i walked over to the bike stands and mike was already standing there, getting onto his own bike. "will, hi" he said as he looked up at me "hey" i simply said

"the others might be a while before they get here because they have after school stuff so how about me and you just go ahead and ride to my house?" he asked

"sure that sounds good!" i said hopping onto my own bike. mike started pedaling off of the school campus and i followed immediately behind.

once me and mike got to his house he threw me a coke from the fridge and mrs. wheeler walked into the kitchen as she said "mike, did i just hear will byers voice" me and mike looked at eachother like we were being caught but i dont know why. "will! my favorite son! what on earth are you doing back here?" mrs wheeler exclaimed after her eyes landed on me

"my mom decided that we should come back. new york just wasnt for us" i simply said. "well, its great to have you back," mrs wheeler sweetly said and turned to go out of the room.

suddenly there was a knock at the door and me and mike jumped alert. "that must be everyone" i said. "yeah, how about you go to the basement and i'll bring everyone down so it will be a suprise?" i nodded in response and i headed down the very familiar stairs.

when i got down to the basement, nothing had changed. the same couches and furniture were still in the same place and the dungeons and dragons boardgame was still on the same table where we played it last.

i sat on the couch and fiddled with my thumbs as i heard everyone walking down the stairs. i suddenly  started to feel a little anxious.

"mike, you have been acting weird all day and why are you blind folding us?" a faint voice said, probably lucas'.

after they were all down stairs, mike lined them up in front of me and they all had blindfolds on. dustin randomly started dancing and i quietly giggled and he stopped "wait wait mike who was that" he asked.

"dammit will"  mike muttered under his breath . "okay okay guys you can take your blindfolds off" mike laughed

they all took their blindfolds off at once and it was silent in the room for a good 5 seconds before the room exploded into screaming and commotion.






after everyone basically yelled at me they all ran at me and basically tackled me in hugs "oh my god i thought you were like never coming back dude!" dustin yelled at me.

"me too" i happily yelled back.

we were all still in a group hug and after about 3 minutes we all seperated. "

"when did thus happen, when did you get back?" lucas asked, looking straight at me. "like a week ago" i said looking down.

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