What A Glorious Feeling

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Singin In the Rain AU with Newsies. Enjoy!! Set in the 1920s for my non Singin In the Rain fans. :) The title is also a lyric from Singin In the Rain itself.

The black umbrella twirls around in the rain shower that falls from the sky and sprays the young man in the face.

"And cut!" Davey Jacobs, the director of the movie, shouts loudly and people begin to hurry around the set. Jack Kelly relaxes and lets the people on the set mess with his outfit and such. Jojo, a young producer who is just getting his start in his career, comes over.

"Okay, Kelly. The big cheese thinks ya need to act a little less excited. Ya can't splash yourself in the face every time ya spin the umbrella around. It looks too sloppy and it ruins your makeup," Jojo says and Jack groans. Suddenly, a shout is heard from across the set.

"Ahhhhh!! I thought I told you to shut off the sprinkler system, not turn it on full blast!!" Davey shouts at Albert, who mans the sprinkler system. Albert turns it off and shouts loudly,

"You shouldn't make the controls for this thing so complicated!" Jack rolls his eyes at the argument and collapses into a nearby chair just for him. He reaches up to touch his cheek when Maisy, one of the makeup girls, runs over and swats his hand away.

"Kelly! Don't be touching your makeup. You realize that I get paid to make it look all nice and you can't go and do a stupid thing like mess it up. That cuts into my paycheck, ya know!" she squawks before walking away. Jack examines the now red mark and whines,

"Maisy, you left a mark!" Maisy whirls around and glares at him.

"On what? Your ego?" she snarls before walking away and Jack lets out a breath that he didn't realize he had been holding. He looks around and notices a shy new actress standing in the corner of the room. She is holding a dainty purse and has long straight hair. Davey casts her a nervous glance and then nods to the three executive producers.

"Get this girl ready for shooting. We need her as soon as possible," he says kindly and Romeo smiles at her.

"Hey there, gorgeous! We're gonna hook you up with Maisy and she'll get ya ready to go. Okay?" he asks and the girl moves away from Romeo ever so lightly. Crutchy hurries over and smiles at her.

"Don't worry too much about him. He thinks he's a favorite among the ladies," Crutchy says, gently taking the girl's arm and escorting her towards the dressing rooms.

"Jojo! Romeo!" Davey cries out frantically and the two producers hurry over to him, "Bring the writer in right away! I want to ask her something about the plot." Jojo hurries over to a large oak door and bangs on it gently. Katherine Plumber, the writer, opens it.

"What do you need, Jojo?" she asks and Jojo points his thumb in Davey's direction. Davey hurries over to her and starts speaking with her quickly. Jack smiles flirtatiously at Katherine and she catches his gaze. Once Davey leaves, Jack wanders over to Katherine.

"Hey there, Miss Plumber," He says and Katherine rolls her eyes.

"You know how I feel about relationships. I don't want them in my life. I have a career to stick to and now is not the time to engage in any kind of a relationship with any boy!" she snaps and Jack puts his hands up in innocence, "Just go film your movie!" Jack smirks and walks back to his chair. He plops down in it and people swarm him, cleaning his outfit and touching up his makeup. Jack sits there and fiddles with the end of his costume. Maisy reappears with the young actress from earlier and she smiles meekly at Jack.

"Hi there!" Jack says, trying to be friendly to the young girl. She isn't maybe the prettiest thing he's ever seen, but she appears to be very nervous. Jack is about to continue talking to her when the doors to the set fly open and a tall woman, who looks absolutely gorgeous with curly blonde hair and baby doll blue eyes, storms through them. Doris Kennedy thrusts her hands on her hips and glares at the young woman.

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