Chapter 1

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I rushed out of my home. A newly written manuscript falling out of my arms, hair a mess and unbrushed.

I walked down the city paths, the wind billowing my light blue dress. My navy colored scarf blowing into my face. I was on a street I looked downward to adjust the sash on my dress when I bumped into a lamplighter climbing down off of a ladder.

My manuscript flew out of my arms as I tripped onto a young man. He knelt down apologizing. "I'm so sorry Miss!"

I looked up, and chuckled, "No! No! It's completely my fault sir, I'm just running late to work, and I wasn't paying attention"

"Well, I wa'nt paying attention either ma'am."

He looked at me. He had dark brown eyes, brownish black hair, and light stubble. He was wearing a grey brown coat and newsboy cap, a red vest, and black kerchief.

He tipped his cap towards me, "Te' names Jack Ma'am"

I stuck my hand out smiling at the charming man, "Julia"

"Exceptional name Miss".

"Well I really must be going" I said smiling at Jack.

"Here ma'am, I'll give you a lift to your workplace, if you'll let me". He walked over to a bike setting his ladder on it.

I checked my watch and nodded, walking over. He sat atop the bicycle and then patted the space in front of him. I sat now feeling very close to him. His arms wrapped around me and grabbed the handlebars.

I felt a flush rising to my cheeks as he started peddling. I gave him directions to where I worked. He began singing a tune as we peddled about the city. His voice was so nice and warm. You could feel the ease and joy emitting from the man.

When the early 'ours 'ave come and gone
Through the misty morning showers
I greet the dawn
For when the light 'as 'it the ground
There's lots of treasures to be found
Underneath the lovely London sky

I listened as he pedaled through out the streets. Eventually I was smiling too.

Though the lamps are turning down
Please don't feel blue
For in this part of London town
The light shines through
Don't believe the things you've read
You never know what's up ahead
Underneath the lovely London sky

We were nearly there at the print shop. I didn't want to leave the company of this man. He was so nice to be around and I began relaxing the more time I spent with him. I sang the last verse with him as we neared the shop.

Soon the slump will disappear
It won't be long
Sooner than you think you'll 'ear
Some bright real song
So 'old on tight to those you love
And maybe soon from up above
You'll be blessed so keep on looking high
While you're underneath the lovely London sky

"You 'ave a lovely voice Miss Julia." Jack said tipping his hat towards me as I dismounted the bicycle.

I waved a goodbye to Jack and he pedaled off whistling his song.

I entered the shop and walked to my editor's room completely on time.

"Hi Dorothy" I said plopping the manuscript on her desk.

She had a cigarette hanging out her mouth, and curly brown hair tied back.

"What's up wit you?" She asked with a cockney accent.

"Oh nothing, just a good day" I said sitting twirling a bit of hair in my fingers.

"What's 'is name" she said looking through the manuscript.

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