Chapter 20

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This was it. Today was the day. I was getting married today.

I was terrified. I didn't think I would be able to do it.

Everything had gone perfectly. My bridesmaids were beautiful. Our location was gorgeous. I was sure Jack looked handsome as ever.

But I was so scared.

Emily gripped me tight in a hug. The ceremony started in 10 minutes and I felt myself freaking out.

Annabel was a flower girl. She wore a navy blue dress that matched the bridesmaids.

Mom was here. She wore a beautiful purple elegant dress. Since dad couldn't be here she would walk me down the aisle.

The music started up. My grip on Mom's arm tightened.

"You'll be alright my darling. You look wonderful!" She pressed a kiss to my temple.

I shook my head unable to get words out. Annabel walked out tossing white petals behind her.

Then Emily.

Then Amelia.

Then Amanda.

It was our turn. Mom started walking. My feet were stiff. I could barely move. I took shaky steps we rounded the corner and I saw all our guests standing.

Everyone was smiling. I felt the sweat all over myself.

And then I saw him.


He looked better than I imagined.

He was so happy.

I could see the light in his eyes. He was so lost in me.

It gave me the confidence to walk and I knew everything would be okay.

*Jack's POV*

I waited patiently. I was terrified. I knew Jules would look exquisite. I made sure Angus had the rings. He did.

Doc clapped me on the shoulder in congratulations.

Then it started. Annabel walked with the flower petals.

Then all the bridesmaids. The it was her turn.

She rounded the corner.

And I became lost in her. She looked amazing. Better than amazing. She was so beautiful words couldn't express it. I hadn't seen her dress and it was beautiful. Ruffles of white, a silver sash.

She didn't wear a veil.

I felt myself smiling like an idiot. She was so beautiful.

She blushed and started walking towards me. I wanted to run towards her.

She eventually made it to the arch and her mother handed her off.

Doc waited until everyone was seated and begun.

I barely even heard what he said,

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Julia Marie Brooks and Jackson I Thomas Stewart. Today the couple has prepared their own vows."

I went first. "Jules. Before I met you my life had no meaning. I didn't see the point. Sure I was 'appy but the day you ran into me was one of the best days of my life. I promise from the bottom of me 'eart to love you. To 'ave you. To take care of you. To love you"
I took my ring and slid it on her finger.

Then it was her turn.

"Jack you are the best thing about my life. The reason I love what I do. The reason I get up every morning. I promise you Jack to never lie, to never cheat, to love you, and to take care of you for the rest of our days"

She slid a brass band on my finger.

I was holding back every urge to kiss her.

Doc started again.

"Julia do you take this man to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Jackson do you take this woman to be your wife?"

"I do"

"Then by the power vested in me. I now pronounce you Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

I hugged her tight a pressed a kiss to her. She smiled against me and the crowd cheered. We were so lost. When we broke apart she held our hands up in victory. We walked down the aisle in pure bliss.


It was now the reception. People were giving speeches. We were about to eat. Emily gave a speech about friendship.

And it was my turn. I hadn't really prepared anything. But I planned on speaking from the heart.

I stood in front of the crowd.

I started with a deep breathe.

"Jules when I met you I never knew this is where we could come. I am so excited for the future. I know you probably didn't think much of me but the minute you ran me over I knew I was so in love with you. When I crawled in through your window even though I knew you secretly made fun of me for it. Or how insecure you were with cutting your hair. And how you were scared of what your friends would think of me. And if I hadn't met you, you would probably be with some guy who loved you, and would give you the life you deserve. But here we are. And it all happened because you didn't just look up."

The End.

First of all I want to thank all the people who voted on this. I am so happy to say that it is complete. I may consider a sequel. But don't count on it.

Thank you so much! You sweet wonderful people? ❤️

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