Chapter 13

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*1 Month Later*

It's been a month since Emily walked in on Jack and I. We haven't had sex since. I mean last time was just crazy making out.

I walk downstairs. He's back from work. I don't have work for two more days. So I figure he and I can go on a date.

Jack is in a gray sweater. He's reading over a bowl of porridge. I walk past. He grabs my waist and pulls me down for a kiss.

I giggle. Then have a bowl of cereal. We eat mostly in silence. Around 11:00 he and I are lounging on the couch. He and I reading our own books.

"So I wanted to ask you something" he says. I'm laying down next to him, my head resting on his chest.


"Angus invited me on a fishing trip next week."

"Oh. Yeah sure. That sounds like fun."

"I'll be gone for two weeks."


"Hey! I won't go if you don't want me to"

"No! No! Go! I'll just miss you!"

"Believe me, I'll miss you too".

He kisses my head. I nuzzle up against him. Angus walks in after knocking. He runs up jumping onto us.


"Angusssss. I told you it's not a big deal!"

"What?!" I cry!

"Birthday??!! Babe! I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

"I don't want special treatment for being old!"

"But. I could've done something sweet for you!"

"You do good things for me all the time! Why should it just be for one certain day!"

"Well. I still want to do something nice for you! Angus get him out of the house. You two go have fun! But I want him back by 7:00. I'll have something nice for him"

Jack groans but gets up as Angus drags him out. I wave him goodbye.

When they're gone I whip up my favorite chocolate cake. I bake and ice it. And then it's 1:00.

When it's done I clean up the house. Then I go out and buy a locket just like mine. I go to a camera place and get my film developed. I print out two small pictures. One of Jack and one of me. I fit the picture of me into his locket and the one of him in mine. Then I go buy his favorite kind of wine.

My last stop is the dress shop. I buy a dark green dress. It has a big poofy skirt and matching white gloves. I slip it all on and run home. It's 5:45.

At the house. I wrap up his presents and take a shower. I make some pasta for dinner and at 7:00 he walks in.

"Hi birthday boy!" I say pressing a kiss to his jaw. He wiggles his eyebrows, then pulling me in closer by my hips.

I giggle.

"You look gorgeous Jules!" He comments.

"Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself."

I walk him to the table. We eat dinner, then I pull out his present and the cake.

There's a single candle and I sing the birthday song to him! He's blushing like crazy.

He blows it out and I hand him his present.

"A locket?"

"Open it."

He sees my picture. He stops. I see tears forming in his eyes.

"Jules. This. This is." He stops. And stands wrapping me in a hug. "Thank you" he whispers.

"Happy birthday"

We eat cake and soon it's 8:00. He drags me onto the couch. I'm in his lap and he's kissing me furiously.

Our tongues are dancing together. He releases then moves to my neck. He kisses and sucks on my sweet spot.

I know for sure there'll be a hickey there. I moan against him.

He stops. "What?" I ask looking at him.

"I know what I want for my birthday".

I stand taking his hand in mine. I pull him up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking my door behind us. He shoves me onto my bed. I look up to him.

He has this look in his eye. I've never seen it before.

But I know it a mile away.


I've never seen him like this.

And honestly.

I'm not scared at all.

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