Chapter 7

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I couldn't believe myself. I had invited Jack to live with me. I wasn't even sure how I felt. But I was so excited.

When I got home, I ate some food, took a hot bath. Pulling off my dress, letting my hair down to its long curly self. It was so long. Halfway down my back.

My mother had always cut it when I was a kid. But she didn't want to see me anymore.

I told myself not to think of her. I took my bath, and when I was done I kept writing my manuscript. I finished everything up in about an hour. I would take it in to work tomorrow.

For now, I drank a cup of tea and fell asleep to the sound of rain on my window.

My dreams that night were wonderful,

Twirling on stage with Jack. Singing with Mary Poppins. I was so happy.

I didn't want the dream to end. Jack planting feather light kisses on my hands and forehead. Holding me in his arms.

But soon. It was over and I woke up. It was still raining. I guess Jack didn't have to work today.

I felt sad, that I couldn't see him today. But I sat up tearing myself away from the warmth of my bed. I dressed in a spring green dress, pinning my hair up. I packed up my manuscript, a notepad, some pens, and a thermos of tea in case I went to go see Jack later. I threw on a jacket and some boots.

For breakfast I had some buttered toast and coffee. I checked the time and waited for the bus.

Something I never did because I loved walking to work, but today I waited for the painfully slow bus.

When it arrived I paid the driver, then sat near the back leaning my head against the window. We drove for what felt like about 15 minutes.

When we arrived I left the bus and  walked inside.

"Morning" I greeted my co-workers. "Hey Jules!" Thomas called from his desk. "Morning Julia! Beautiful weather we're having." Another woman named Phyllis called.

I smiled. "Morning Miss Brooks" a guy named Jacob said.

I smiled at my co-workers. Heading for Dorothy's office. I wiped the grin from my face.

"Brooks" she greeted.


She looked up as I handed her the new manuscript.

"Already?" She asked.

"I've had some inspiration"

She shrugged. "Alright well because of this weather just stay in and help around."

I nodded walking over to Amanda's desk. "Hey! How are you"

"Good! I think I've got a boyfriend"

"Really??" She squealed in excitement.

I giggled. Then sighed. I looked over at Jacob.

She sighed sweetly. "Have you still not asked him out?"

"NO! I can't! What if he hates me!"

"If there's anything I've learned it's that you need to take a leap of faith"

Amanda shooed me away. I spent the rest of my work day editing and helping other people out until it was 4:30.

I said bye to my co-workers and walked outside. It was raining to hard anymore, so I started walking to where Jack lived for now.

I knocked on a door to be greeted by one of the leeries. I think it was Nicholas. " 'ello Miss Brooks"

"Hi!" I smiled and walked in making my way to the med bay.

Doc greeted me pulling me in for a warm hug. "Is he any better?" I asked him. Doc nodded, "he's much better but I want him on bed rest for the next day. Then you can take him home."

I grinned, kissing Doc on the cheek. "Thank you" I hugged.

"Alright, go git him. I'm sure he would love to see you"

I walked into Jack's room. He was reading from my book from yesterday. He barely noticed as I walked in.

"Agghemm." I coughed into my fist catching his attention. He looked up.

"JULIA" he lept from bed and grabbed me in his arms spinning me. I laughed and giggled as he set me down.

He pulled me in for a warm kiss. I melted into his lips as he pulled me closer. "God I love you" he sighed. I kissed him again. "Me too".

I led him back to bed scooting in beside him. He smelled wonderful, like rain, and charcoal, with a hint of chestnut and pine. He hugged me in his arms. I grabbed my thermos and poured us some tea.

He sipped it gratefully not taking his eyes off me. I smiled, cuddling up into his chest. "Read to me" I purred at him. He obliged brushing the hair out of my face.

I fell asleep in his arms listening to the pattering of rain drops on the window. I barely remember Angus taking me home tucking me in. All I remember was the change from the warmth of Jack's hair to the coldness of my bed.


I walked into work that morning. Jack had come to see me that morning. He walked inside the house heading to the guest bedroom unpacking, and decorating for however he liked.

I walked to Dorothy's office. Her usual mess of a hair was neat and tidy.

"Morning ma'am" I greeted.

She stood up and clapped me on the shoulder. Taking a long stare into my eyes.

"What?" I asked fearing she hated my manuscript.

"About that book o' yours."

I felt myself shrinking in fear.

"Well it's bloody fantastic isn' it!"

"Really" I asked huge smile on my face.

"Really! It's wonderful Brooks! I told you had potential and this is what I meant! Just wonderful!"

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