Chapter 18

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Jack and I stood before the doors of the throne room in the palace. Both of us were extremely nervous. I was in a floor length navy blue ball gown. Elbow length white gloves, white heels, my hair had been washed and brushed.

I wore little makeup. I held a pearly white clutch handbag. My back was sore from practicing curtsies. I felt sweat running down my legs.

Jack stood beside me. He had shaved, he wore a white suit that matched my dress. His hair had been cut. He didn't wear a hat. There were shiny black loafers on his feet. He looked amazingly handsome. The best I had ever seen him. He wore a blue flower on his coat.

"We'll be okay. We're here because she likes us. It's just a ceremony and a dance in our honor. We can do this." He breathed. He was nervous. I wrapped my arm around his elbow. We stood tall and nodded.

We took a deep breathe and the humongous doors opened. We waited until they were fully opened and started taking painfully slow steps forward.

The throne room was exquisite. White and gold wallpaper. Two large thrones at the end of the wall. The queen and the king sat in the thrones.

There was a large assortment of guards surrounding them. There were many people around, all dressed in beautiful colors. The Queen was a beautiful woman. Dark curly short hair. A white gown and silver crown. She had a friendly smile.

I felt myself relaxing as Jack and I walked forward. All eyes were on us and we looked amazing.

We when we approached, Jack let go of me and we bowed low. He bowed a deep bow. I curtsied all the way to the floor.

I raised myself up again slowly and joining arms with Jack again.

The Queen stood. "Good day to all gathered here. We are gathered to celebrate the fantastic book written by one Julia Brooks. And her muse Jackson Stewart. The book is that of fact, and a substantial amount of romance. I offer to Ms. Brooks a position to write fiction here in the palace. Her and her muse shall never have to work a day in their lives. They can even live in the palace here if they so wish."

I was shocked. I loved the idea of writing for the Queen. But I loved where I lived, and Jack loved his job. I took a step closer.

"Your majesty your offer is that of an amazing one. But I love my job. I love my life. I love my house I am not sure how it could be improved."

"I see. Well anything you want will he granted to you. Anytime you need anything, a place to stay, a roof over your head, a hot meal, you send for me."

"I accept your majesty" Jack and I bowed again. The Queen stood and walked forward.

"From this day forward this couple shall be Lady Brooks and Lord Stewart."

The crowd applauded. Jack and I smiled.

"The first dance of the evening will be that of these two"

Jack led me to the center of the dance floor. The symphony played a slow dance and we rocked back and forth.

The music was powerful. He twirled me around so my dress twirled outward. I was smiling, he looked so young again. He had a beautiful shine in his eyes.

He spun us so he was behind his arms on my torso squeezing and swaying.

I spun and wrapped my arms around his neck. He laughed. We were lost in the music. "You look so beautiful lady Brooks"

I smiled big. He pressed a kiss to my lips. He took my hand in his own and he spun me around in a fury. I didn't get dizzy in our dances.

When the song came to an end Jack spoke up. "Everyone. I 'ave an announcement"

The room quieted. He waited a moment.

He looked at me.

"Julia Marie Brooks. You are the most wonderful woman in my life. The most wonderful person. And I 'ope that you will be my side for the rest of my life. You are the reason I sing. And smile. And laugh. I was alone. But now I'm with you in every moment. I want to keep you with me forever. I want to claim you as mine. To say that this is Julia Brooks. My beau'i'ful wife."

I stopped. My brain froze. I felt the tears in my eyes ready to fall.

He lowered to one knee and removed a blue velvet box. He opened it to me. "Julia Marie Brooks will you do the wonderful pleasure of being my wife?"

The ring was silver, with a beautiful diamond. It had a blue tint. I cried my hand rushing to my mouth in surprise. I wanted to sob.

He smiled up at me.

"Oh Jack" I nodded my head unable to formulate words.

He stood and wrapped me in his arms. "You'll be my wife?" He asked. Pure love and joy in his eyes. I shook my head eagerly.

He took the ring and slipped it on my finger. I cried. He held me in his arms. The audience cheered and clapped for us.

I simply cried in his arms. I was engaged. I was going to be with the love of my life for the rest of my life. I was so happy.

"We're going to be married" he whispered into my ears. I smiled and he danced me around the room other people joining in with us.

We were going to be married.

Awwww! Finally! How has everyone been doing? I'm about to head back into school so I won't be able to update as frequently. But I will try my hardest.  I love y'all!

~~~M 🥰

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