2. The Meeting - Blue

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I smooth down my sky blue dress and take one last look at the mirror, two white earrings dangling from my ears, blush lightly filling my cheeks and finally my dress, a blue matching the color of my eyes, the sleeves hitting right at my elbow enough to hide my scars.

   I don't look ugly. At least that's what I tell myself.

   I cross check my things when my mom enters the room, my adoptive mom.

   "Oh! Honey, you look so beautiful" she says proudly, "I can't believe, you are in college already, it's like you just entered our home the first time and now you are all grown up"

     She's always been good and supportive to me, I have been living here for twelve years and she's always taken good care of me, she treated me like I am one of her child. She says I am her daughter.

    "Just because you are eighteen, doesn't mean you can't come here. You are always welcome," she says giving me a hug.

     I smile, "This is my home. I will always come back"

    "That's my girl," she says. "Breakfast is ready. You can come down," I nod and she leaves.

      I smooth my bed's comforter and look around, it's empty. The posters I stuck when my obsession for each one of them was out of the level, the little girl who was unaware of all the things that was to come to her, seems like yesterday. Now I am grown and I can live my own life.

     This is it.

     I grab my suitcase and walk downstairs and see Sweetie, my sister making a mess with her food. I smile knowing that probably, this is the last time I see her like this, when I see her the next time, she won't be this small. I make a memory of how little and cute she looks.

    "Sit down Blue, let me serve," my mom says and I do as she says.

      After eating, I take all my belongings and head for the door. My mom breaks down. "Come here during the breaks, ok?" she says and I nod, my tears threatening to fall. Sweetie comes running towards me and hands me a piece of paper. I open it and my tears falls down unexpectedly.

    We will always love you Blue. Don't forget us.

    I hug her, tight. "Thank you so much Sweetie" I say, "I will never forget you guys"

    And then, I am onto the car driving away to New York.


New York is so huge, the city is so big. I could wander off and never realize that I left.

   I applied to New York University, I never thought I would get in but I did, my mom was so proud. All my hard work in school paid off but I never really had a happy high school life, all I wish for is a better life here.

   I get into the huge campus; I follow the campus map and get into my dorm. I am the first one here, the room is spacious. It includes two study table, two beds and a bathroom. Thank goodness, I was anticipating the bathroom situation but there's one here so I don't need to worry about bathing naked in a room filled with unknown people.

   I check the time; I've still got ten minutes to the freshmen meeting. I hate being late so, I lock my dorm room and head to the auditorium.

   I gasp at how big the auditorium is. It's filled with some handful of people. I choose the last before row and sit next to a girl with short blond hair. She smiles at me and I return the gesture.

  "Hi. I am Adelaide Miller" she says and sticks her hand out. I shake it.

"Blue Andrews," I say and she smiles. She looks very beautiful, her short hair bobbing up and down and her petite appearance making her look like a model.

  We talk for a while and Adelaide is very interesting, she talks about her life in Florida and how her father got her a Lamborghini and I realize that she is very rich, her father is a businessman. But she never really liked being rich though.

  After a few minutes a girl with red hair accompanied by a guy with messy brown hair comes and sits next to us. The girl sits next to me. She smiles at me and I give her a small one.

  Beside me, Adelaide's eyes widen and she jumps. "You are Charlie right?" she asks the guy and he nods.

  "I am Adelaide Miller, we know each other. We met at the business party at Europe, remember?" she asks and he nods slightly and his eyes widen too.

   "Yeah, we were so bored. So we went out to the fountain and dipped our heads in it, right?"

    "Yeah, weird," she says and laughs

    "I know" he says, "Nice meeting you."

     "I am Kendal Hughes, by the way," the red haired girl introduces herself and I can tell she feels left out; she shakes her hand with Adelaide, who makes her way back to her seat and plops down next to me.

     Kendal looks gorgeous too, her red hair and black piercing with the chain she's wearing, I can tell that they both are together. They keep murmuring to each other. This one time Kendal sees me and stares at me like I am some kind of monster or I probably vision it but I smile to hide my panic growing inside me.

    "I am Blue. Blue Andrews," I introduce myself awkwardly.

    "That's a very good name," she says but before I could thank her, the meeting starts and they talk about our classes and other things.

     After the meeting we head outside, "What's your room number?" Adelaide asks me.

    "It's F-12," I say remembering the number written on a silver plate on the door.

     She jumps and claps her hand, "We are roommates!" she says and I widen my eyes.

     For once, I am happy for where this new life is leading to me. We head to our dorm and Adelaide lets out a squeal. She shimmies her way into the room and does a little dance.

   "I can't believe we are roommates!" she says and unpacks her things and I do mine too, we have a day more to start college and I can't be more happy.


Most of you by now must now know that 'MY GIRLFRIEND'S DEATH' 

is now available as paperback!! Got get it if you haven't yet!

And I hope you liked this chapter :)

Love & Hugs,


My Boyfriend's Game [Sequel to MGD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें