4. Annoyed - Sky

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Everything is so annoying, from my morning alarm to Felicia's arm dangling at my shoulders.

The cafeteria is annoying too.

"Why are you so sour?" Felicia asks looking at me. "Your forehead is crinkled more than the last assignment"

I look at the mirror backside, "Why do you care, eat your damn breakfast," I pull her arms away from me, "You need to..." before I could finish, I see the reflection of her, the girl who bumped me a few minutes ago and I could feel Felicia smirk.

I turn and Keith is smirking at her too.

"Hey Blue!" says a girl with blonde short hair a few feet away from her. Her panicked eyes jerk up to her in relief.

"So much for a girl named Blue," Felicia says rolling her eyes and starts chewing up her burger.

"So..." Keith starts, "about the party coming Saturday, you guys are coming right?"

Felicia nods and Keith looks at me, "You?"

"I don't know."

"You know he says that and comes running back right?" Felicia says and gobbles up her burger.

But right now I can't respond to either of them, my eyes are on Blue, my mission.

Before I could think anything, Charlie Gray plops down next to Blue, son of Jamie Grey, my father's friend's son.


I see their movements, the conversation is awkward between them but they seem friendly. The girl next to Charlie, the red head seems friendly too. They are already a gang.

A perfect plan.

I get up ignoring the bickering of Felicia and walk up to their table, I pull a chair next to Charlie and plop onto it.

I could feel Blue watching me; I could tell she's intimidated by me.

Charlie smiles at me, "here you are!"

I nod and run my fingers through my hair. "You have no idea how my father wanted me to welcome you," I say because it's true. "Nice to meet you"

Charlie introduces me to his girlfriend, Kendal. Kendal and Blue's friend Adelaide whom I already know and finally their new friend Blue. I offer her a small smile but she's clearly afraid of me and I mentally smack myself for being angry at her earlier.

"So, there's this party on next Saturday and you guys should come," I say and Blue raises her right eyebrow.

"Woo! Sky's parties are always fun," Adelaide says and I smile at her.

Kendal joins in and says, "Sure." And Charlie nods along but Blue is unsure of herself.

"I..." she starts, "I am not coming."

"Ok. Why?" Kendal asks, "It'll be fun."

Addie joins too and they basically say her everything about a party and somehow she's coming.

Charlie smiles at me and I feel a wave of victory, but this is not it.


Here is the chapter, you guys have been waiting for so looong!

Hope you guys like Sky, hehe.

Love & Hugs,


My Boyfriend's Game [Sequel to MGD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें