3. Nice to meet you - Blue

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The first class was good, Adelaide told me to meet at the cafeteria after classes, seems like she knows a couple of people here and she wants to introduce them to me.

I don't want to meet people, I don't want to socialize. Adelaide is one enough of a friend for me.

I walk not knowing which direction, so I look at the campus map on my phone and start walking towards the cafeteria. I have my notes on the one hand and my phone on the other, the cafeteria points near where I am standing but there is no cafeteria here, I look at my phone and start walking again.

I bump into someone and all my notes fall down, so does the other person's.

"Sorry," I mutter and start grabbing my notes, I look up into a blazing green eyes and tousled light brown hair, but he nowhere near happy.

"I don't need your apology" he spits, "I shouldn't see you at my sight"

"Now go," he says and I talk my notes and walk away faster. I could feel people surrounding him and also someone mutter "ugly"

I haven't said a word to him. No, I don't deserve a say.

I walk faster, tears dripping from my eyes. I open the nearest door and get inside it.

Just when I feel everything is going right, something like this happens. There's no happiness left for me in this world, I've gotten my loved ones taken away, I've lost everything.

I cry alone, in the pitch darkness. My lips quiver and my shoulders shake.

"Hey?" someone says, I think of the same guy but no. It's Charlie. My breathing rises and I eventually couldn't breathe. I gasp for air but it's not enough. Charlie comes near me and says something but I can't hear it. I close my eyes just so I could hear him clearly.

"Take deep breaths in," he says and I do it. Charlie's voice is soothing and he keeps repeating to take deep and slow breaths in.

I open my eyes and I could feel the air hit my face. My panting has stopped and I look at Charlie, he smiles. "You okay now?"

I nod. He gets up and pulls me to my feet. I mutter thanks awkwardly.

"Don't be awkward, think of me as a friend," he says. "I am Charlie Gray by the way"

"Blue. Blue Andrews," I introduce myself. I wait for him to say something insulting but instead he walks away.

"Nice to meet you, Blue," he says and drifts away into the darkness.


Hola Amigos!!

You all probably hate Sky now hehe.

Hope you liked this chapter, go make that star orange!

Love & Hugs,


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