15. The stars need a sky - Blue

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I glance at Sky who is talking to his friends, laughing. He catches me watching him and I turn away to my table where Kendal is waving to Charlie, who says, "I love you, Kandy," and leaves after leaving a kiss on top of her head.

Kendal is grinning and blushing. I look at Addy whose eyes are watching her intently.

"You screwed him, didn't you?" Addy asks and I laugh choking on my lemon tea and Kendal gasps.

"Oh shut up." She says and throws an empty milkshake bottle at her. Addy's eyes widens after dodging the bottle. "So, you did screw him."

Kendal shakes her head bushing and looks away. "Wow," I say and sip on my lemon tea.

"Yeah, I know," she says. She grabs her bag and gets up, "I got to go, catch you guys later."

"Just so you know, I want the deets later," Addy shouts just before she can turn the corner, Kendal turns, winks and then leaves.

Addy turns to me, "don't think I am gonna liberate you. What's up with you and that straight- out- of- a- magazine- boy?"

I laugh, "Who?"

"You know, the one you've been glancing at for every three minutes?"

"I am not glancing at anyone."

But yes, I've been glancing at him. He knows my most vulnerable moments and I don't know what to do. I don't know what he'll do; I sigh.

"Is that a sigh I am hearing?"

"Uh, nope."

"Whatever," she says. "But I'll get what is happening from Kendal and you very shortly."

I roll my eyes. I take my books and wave Addy a goodbye and leave to my dorm because all my classes are over. When I reach my room, I leave my bag on my bed and enter the bathroom to have a bath.

I hear a knock on the main door and I tell her to come in, thinking it must be Addy but a chill runs down my spine when I hear his voice.

"You in the bath?"

"What are you doing in here, Sky?"

"Oh, I thought we could go somewhere maybe?"

I could hear him sit on the bed, the rustling of sheets and the bed creaking a little bit.

"Seriously, you could have texted me."

"I don't have your number."

I sigh, "fine, just give me about ten minutes."

"Fine by me."

I realize the fact that there's only a door of separation between us and I suddenly wish I had a common bathroom where I wouldn't have to deal with this.

I grab my towel and wrap it around me. But then it hits me that my clothes are out on the bed on which Sky is probably sitting on. I take a deep breathe in.

I open the door so small and call out, "Sky?"

"Yeah?" He says. "You need any help?"

"Um, yeah." I say. "There's my set of clothes on the bed, can you like pass it to me?"

"Yeah, sure."

He knocks on the door slowly that I could barely hear it. I open the door a tiny bit more so I could grab the clothes from him and I do and change quickly into a pair of light blue jeans and a multicolor striped full-sleeved shirt.

I open the door widely and enter into the room where I find Sky on the bed scrolling through the phone.

He looks up at me, smiles and says, "hey."

I push my wet hair away from my face, "Hello." I say, "Give me five. Where are we going by the way?"

"Eat somewhere and just ride around I guess?"

I eye him suspiciously; I know I am going against my promise of staying away from him. But he seems nice and I love hanging out with him. "Sky, I thought you were like the guys from the novels you know?" I ask. "One day you'll be nice and then go back to being one of those rude and snarky bad boy."

Even now I think he's going to leash out on me any moment but he laughs whole heartedly, "Just because I had one rude moment doesn't mean I am going to be one of them," he says. "Also, the so called 'bad boys' suck anyways."

I roll my eyes, "okay, whatever."

I brush and blow dry my hair all the while Sky watches me intently, scanning me like I am a specimen from a laboratory. I pull my hair into a ponytail and I am ready to go.

Sky gets up from the bed, "Blue Andrews doesn't wear make-up, noted."

I open the door, "I don't like them."

"You don't need them," he says.

After eating at a Chinese restaurant, we drive around. It's going to be nearly mid night. Sky told a lot about himself, how he grew up in Paris and his friends, all of them were guys. I want to ask him about the girl in the pictures but I decide against it.

He drives away from the city and I keep quiet. I like being in his car; it smells like him. I turn and look at him, he looks back at him and I smile at him.

We smile a lot at each other, I don't know why. I have never smiled at anyone like that in a long time. Around him, I just wanna keep smiling. It feels liberating to smile.

"Where are you going?"

He looks at me with those sparkling eyes, "wherever you want."

"Uh, I don't know this place much," I say. "Just go someplace nice."

He simply nods and I scroll down the windows so I could see well. When I do, the chill air blows on my face. I poke my head out and look at the green bushy areas surrounding us.

The air blows heavily, making my hair fall all over my face. I look up at the sky and see stars instead of clouds. It is a deep shade of blue, nearly very dark. But the stars make it very beautiful and elegant.

"Can we stop somewhere here," I ask. "It looks beautiful out here."

He nods and takes a left, "I knew you'd say this."

The car comes to a halt, when I let myself out of the car; it feels nearly magical.

The grass is long and green, the sky looks beautiful and I am in the middle of nowhere just feeling happy.

It's the little things that make me happy.

I sit down on the grass and Sky follows me and sits next to me.

He looks at the sky while he plays with a strand of grass, "you know that saying: Stars doesn't shine without darkness?"

I nod and look up at the stars, sparkling brightly. "But first, they need a sky to shine."


For some reason I really love this chapter hehe.

Love & Hugs,

Yaz ♥️

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