10. Blast - Sky

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My alarm goes off, making me groan. I sit up on my bed and turn it off.

   Just another annoying day with annoying people in it, I stand up and stretch. This day isn't going to be different from any other.

   The therapeutic smell of lemon tea hits my nostrils; I put on my t-shirt and run downstairs.

    I walk into the kitchen to see Rose making it, "Morning," I say and take a seat on the chair.

   She is so shocked to see me, "Good morning Martinez," she says. "Someone's up early!"

   Rose still hasn't settled on the fact that I live in this house; she is so jumpy and happy when she sees me.

  "Sky," I correct her. "Can I have some lemon tea, please?"

  "Sure! Of course," she says and pours it into one of the porcelain white cup and gives me the steaming hot tea with a slice of lemon floating on it.

  I take the smell in, somehow this is the only fragrance that controls my tension and makes me feel like flying on the air. I take a sip; the hot liquid makes me feel so warm and fuzzy.

  "Thanks, Rose," I say and leave.

    On my way to the room, my father stops me. "Good morning dad," I say and start to cross him but he stops me with his glare.

  "How's the work going?" he asks.

    I take a deep breath in; I could feel my blood boiling. I take in the fragrance again which calms me down instantly, "it is going good, dad."

   He nods, "make sure you don't spoil anything." He leaves not uttering another word.

   I don't know what the hurry is about.

   I pass all the flower vases and portraits while on the way to my room, nothing has changed for the past two years. Probably nothing will change in my life.

  I enter my room and push the heap of clothes from the chair to the floor and sit on it.

  Last night was so calm, I wasn't annoyed, because the starry sky was so peaceful, and the chill air was enough to make me dream at night. The small talk with Blue wasn't that bad too. I am making some progress, I guess.

  She's too quiet and calm, which makes me confused of what to do to her.

   I take my phone from the night stand and check Instagram, I type in Blue Andrews. I check Twitter and every other site for her profile, so I could get something about her life but she's not available on any of the Social Medias, which gets me baffled. I thought girls liked to post about their life of pinks and glitters.

    Blue is so different. That's the only thing I could get, for now.

    I finish my drink and get ready. College is one hell of a disaster.

    When I enter the cafeteria after a few boring classes, Felicia stares at me. She is burning, I could smell it.

    I sit next to her and instantly her arms are at my shoulders and she's so close to me, "you look so good today." She whispers and I move away slightly.

    Keith is looking at us with his eyebrows raised, "get a room, you guys."

    I tear open my sugar and sprinkle it all over his food, "hope you have a great lunch."

"This is not fun, Sky," he says and pushes his food away.

I look over to the table where Blue usually sits over but she's not here yet, it's just Kendal and Addy.

"Looking for someone?" Felicia asks.

"Nah," I say, "And about the party, Keith. How's it going?"

"Good, my parents will be out of town this Friday; it's going to be super fun"

I nod. I notice that Blue is entering the cafeteria; I get up and walk to her.

"Hey, Blue," I say grabbing her hand, pulling her outside the cafeteria before she could react and we go into the lab next to it. She struggles but stops after a moment because she knows she can't loosen my grasp on her.

Her blue eyes are sparkling but her light brown hair is hiding it. I push it away, not realizing it.

She looks at me confused, "What are you doing, Sky?"

"Nothing, sorry," I say and leave my grip on her, "I need your help, I am doing this project and I just need your help."

"What is the project about?"

"Um, like watch movies and like, explain how each shot is taken?"

What am I talking? Actually that's not a lie but it is kind of lame. I know she is not going to come.

"Not a movie buff, sorry." She says just like I guessed and tries to leave but I pull her back.

"Sky," she says, "I am not like other girls, and I am not going to fall for whatever game you are playing with me"

I get way too close to her; I could hear her breathing get uneven. "I am not playing any games with you Blue, I just wanna make up for hurting you, that's it."

"I-I forgive you, you don't want to make up for it"

I place my hands on her hips and pull her close to me, she smells so sweet. I get closer to her, and tuck her hair behind her ear. I could feel that she is shuddering under my touch. "I am sorry," I whisper and move away leaving a decent distance between us.

I leave the lab, leaving Blue alone there, I could feel Keith and Felicia staring at me while I come back but I don't give a damn about them.

I sit opposite to Felicia and next to Keith. I take a piece of my French fry and eat it avoiding the confused glances between them.

Blue enters the cafeteria, her face bright red and blushing. Everyone starts whispering noticing her.

"There's no need for talk here, people. You can all shut up and chew down your food," I say and Blue makes her way to her seat next to Kendal.

"So, the party," I tell them while I take a bite of my French fry. "It's going to be a blast."



I have some news, sad one actually :(

I won't be updating MBG until March of 2020 due to my exams and stuff.

But! It won't be until I post 15 chapters here so dw ♥

hope you guys understand :)

Love & Hugs,

Yaz ♥

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