20. Rainbow - Sky

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When I come back from the back yard, I catch Blue staring at the photos on the cupboard in the living room sipping onto her drink.

"It's done," I say starling her. Her eyes get widen and then comes back o normal in a second.

It's like she doesn't want to show that she was startled. I wonder why she does that often.

"Oh yeah?" she says looking back to those photos. "Who is she? She looks so pretty."

I try to control my feelings, not to talk to her about her.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I say and she nods like she understands.

"Okay, what movie are we watching then?"

I sit on the couch, "I don't know I was thinking about a series or something."

"Um, I can't stay up all night," she says. "Let's just stick to movies."

I laugh, "Stop being so narrow minded, of course we're not going to watch the whole thing now."

She smiles slightly, "you want me to come over here again?"

I shake my head smiling, "anytime you want."

I wake up to the sound of the loud calling bell, I look at Blue who's asleep next to me.

The bell door rings again and I slightly try to push Blue away from my arm, she stifles and makes a sound that is barely audible.

I get up and look around at the mess we've made, the door bell rings again. "I'm coming," I shout and walk swiftly towards the door.

As soon I open the door, Bubble jumps up on me and licks my face. I laugh trying to dodge his kisses filled with love.

I sit on the floor and pet him, "hi buddy, long time no see."

My grand mom walks in carrying two heavy bags, I stand up quickly and grab it from her but she snatches it away. "Don't touch me," she says.

I pout like I always do and try to hug her and she moves away from me, "I said, don't." I pout more and she finally gives in. She always does.

"Okay, come here." I give her a huge hug, I go and grab the bags from her.

I take it in to the kitchen knowing she bought me my favorite pickle and cookies I need for the rest of the year, Bubbles trails me around and starts barking at the doorway to the backyard.

I keep the bags on the kitchen counter and smile as I see Blue stare at Bubbles in astonishment, he stops barking and runs to her.

She smiles at him crouches, she pets him. "Oh my god, you're so cute," she says in a tiny voice. "What's your name."

"Bubbles," my granny cuts in before I could reply. "And since when does Martinez have a girlfriend."

She looks at me with her sharp eyes, "You said you'd never keep lies away from me."

I look at Blue who's now blushing, turning red. "She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend. Also stop calling me Martinez, it doesn't suit me."

"Ah," she says and looks at Blue. "Dear lord, you look so beautiful."

"Thank you," Blue says shyly and goes back to petting Bubbles.

"Damn, Bubbles didn't even play with me."

"Ah, don't be silly," my granny says while she leaves the kitchen and I follow her, "she's so pretty."

I smile and think back to last night, "yes, she is."

"So, you like her," she says not as a question and I stare at her in surprise.

"No, I don't grams," I say. "Now tell me why are you here?"

She gasps. "You haven't visited me in months and this is what you ask me when I do visit you?"

"No I know it's not."

"Yeah," she sighs and I smile. "They're moving Rainbow back to the special care ward."

The entire smile drops from my face and I am taken back to that night, the night that I don't want to remember.

"Why?" I ask.

"You know the usual."

I try to forget the night slowly creeping into my head, I completely wanna forget about it but I just can't escape this. However or whatever I try, it's haunting.

I realize that I have forgotten it at one point, last night.

I haven't thought about this for months now. Rainbow.

"Does Dad know?" I ask. "He has to, when did you know about this?"

"Last night, but I didn't wanna disturb you in the middle of the night."

"He has to know," I say running my hands through my hair. "That's why I am even here, with her."

"What?" she gasps again. "Not you dad pulling this crap again, everything happens. He can't just go around and ruin people's life."


That's when it hits me; I don't wanna ruin Blue's life. She doesn't deserve it; she has done nothing but be nice to me and has no say in this situation. I realize that I have dropped everything the moment I saw her yesterday. As cliché as this sounds, I completely forget who I was last night.

I don't want to ruin anyone's life; I didn't even know what I was doing for these past few months.

But for all I know is that Blue deserves happiness.

My Boyfriend's Game [Sequel to MGD]Where stories live. Discover now